Asymptotic boundary conditions and numerical methods for nonlinear elliptic problems on unbounded domains
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- by T. M. Hagstrom and H. B. Keller PDF
- Math. Comp. 48 (1987), 449-470 Request permission
We present a derivation and implementation of asymptotic boundary conditions to be imposed on "artificial" boundaries for nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems on semi-infinite "cylindrical" domains. A general theory developed by the authors in [11] is applied to establish the existence of exact boundary conditions and then to obtain useful approximations to them. The derivation is based on the Laplace transform solution of the linearized problem at infinity. We discuss the incorporation of the asymptotic boundary conditions into a finite-difference scheme and present the results of numerical experiments on the solution of the Bratu problem in a two-dimensional stepped channel. We also touch on certain problems concerning the existence of solutions of this problem on infinite domains and conjecture on the behavior of the critical parameter value with respect to changes in the domain. Some numerical evidence supporting the conjecture is given.References
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Additional Information
- © Copyright 1987 American Mathematical Society
- Journal: Math. Comp. 48 (1987), 449-470
- MSC: Primary 65N99; Secondary 35A35, 35J25
- DOI:
- MathSciNet review: 878684