Cardinal interpolation by multivariate splines
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- by C. K. Chui, K. Jetter and J. D. Ward PDF
- Math. Comp. 48 (1987), 711-724 Request permission
The purpose of this paper is to investigate cardinal interpolation using locally supported piecewise polynomials. In particular, the notion of a commutator is introduced and its connection with the Marsden identity is observed. The order of a commutator is shown to be equivalent to the Strang and Fix conditions that arise in the study of the local approximation orders using quasi-interpolants. We also prove that scaled cardinal interpolants give these local approximation orders.References
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Additional Information
- © Copyright 1987 American Mathematical Society
- Journal: Math. Comp. 48 (1987), 711-724
- MSC: Primary 41A05; Secondary 41A15, 41A63
- DOI:
- MathSciNet review: 878701