Tables of Fibonacci and Lucas factorizations
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- by John Brillhart, Peter L. Montgomery and Robert D. Silverman PDF
- Math. Comp. 50 (1988), 251-260 Request permission
We list the known prime factors of the Fibonacci numbers ${F_n}$ for $n \leq 999$ and Lucas numbers ${L_n}$ for $n \leq 500$. We discuss the various methods used to obtain these factorizations, and primality tests, and give some history of the subject.References
J. Brillhart, "Fibonacci century mark reached," Fibonacci Quart., v. 1, 1963, p. 45.
J. Brillhart, "Some miscellaneous factorizations," Math. Comp., v. 17, 1963, pp. 447-450.
- John Brillhart, D. H. Lehmer, and J. L. Selfridge, New primality criteria and factorizations of $2^{m}\pm 1$, Math. Comp. 29 (1975), 620โ647. MR 384673, DOI 10.1090/S0025-5718-1975-0384673-1 J. Brillhart, "UMT of ${F_n}$ for $n \leq 3500$ and ${L_n}$ for $n \leq 1750$," Math. Comp., submitted to unpublished tables.
- John Brillhart, D. H. Lehmer, J. L. Selfridge, Bryant Tuckerman, and S. S. Wagstaff Jr., Factorizations of $b^{n}\pm 1$, Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 22, American Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I., 1983. $b=2,\,3,\,5,\,6,\,7,\,10,\,11,\,12$ up to high powers. MR 715603
- H. Cohen and H. W. Lenstra Jr., Primality testing and Jacobi sums, Math. Comp. 42 (1984), no.ย 165, 297โ330. MR 726006, DOI 10.1090/S0025-5718-1984-0726006-X J. A. Davis & D. B. Holdridge, Most Wanted Factorizations Using the Quadratic Sieve, Sandia Report SAND84-1658, 1984.
- Joseph L. Gerver, Factoring large numbers with a quadratic sieve, Math. Comp. 41 (1983), no.ย 163, 287โ294. MR 701639, DOI 10.1090/S0025-5718-1983-0701639-4 D. Jarden, Recurring Sequences, 3rd ed., Riveon Lematematika, Jerusalem, 1973. D. H. Lehmer, "An announcement concerning the Delay Line Sieve DLS 127," Math. Comp., v. 20, 1966, pp. 645-646. H. W. Lenstra, Jr., "Factoring integers with elliptic curves," Ann. of Math. (To appear.)
- Peter L. Montgomery, Modular multiplication without trial division, Math. Comp. 44 (1985), no.ย 170, 519โ521. MR 777282, DOI 10.1090/S0025-5718-1985-0777282-X
- Peter L. Montgomery, Speeding the Pollard and elliptic curve methods of factorization, Math. Comp. 48 (1987), no.ย 177, 243โ264. MR 866113, DOI 10.1090/S0025-5718-1987-0866113-7
- Michael A. Morrison and John Brillhart, A method of factoring and the factorization of $F_{7}$, Math. Comp. 29 (1975), 183โ205. MR 371800, DOI 10.1090/S0025-5718-1975-0371800-5 T. Naur, Integer Factorization, DAIMI PB-144, Computer Science Department, Aarhus University, Denmark, 1982.
- Thorkil Naur, New integer factorizations, Math. Comp. 41 (1983), no.ย 164, 687โ695. MR 717713, DOI 10.1090/S0025-5718-1983-0717713-2
- Robert D. Silverman, The multiple polynomial quadratic sieve, Math. Comp. 48 (1987), no.ย 177, 329โ339. MR 866119, DOI 10.1090/S0025-5718-1987-0866119-8 Robert D. Silverman, "Parallel implementation of the quadratic sieve," The Journal of Supercomputing, v. 1, 1987, no. 3.
- H. C. Williams, A $p+1$ method of factoring, Math. Comp. 39 (1982), no.ย 159, 225โ234. MR 658227, DOI 10.1090/S0025-5718-1982-0658227-7
- H. C. Williams and J. S. Judd, Some algorithms for prime testing using generalized Lehmer functions, Math. Comp. 30 (1976), no.ย 136, 867โ886. MR 414473, DOI 10.1090/S0025-5718-1976-0414473-6 H. C. Williams, private communication.
Additional Information
- © Copyright 1988 American Mathematical Society
- Journal: Math. Comp. 50 (1988), 251-260
- MSC: Primary 11-04; Secondary 11B39
- DOI:
- MathSciNet review: 917832