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Mathematics of Computation

Published by the American Mathematical Society since 1960 (published as Mathematical Tables and other Aids to Computation 1943-1959), Mathematics of Computation is devoted to research articles of the highest quality in computational mathematics.

ISSN 1088-6842 (online) ISSN 0025-5718 (print)

The 2024 MCQ for Mathematics of Computation is 1.78.

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Contents of Volume 52, Number 186
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Continuous finite elements in space and time for the heat equation
A. K. Aziz and Peter Monk PDF
Math. Comp. 52 (1989), 255-274
Finite element-Galerkin approximation of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of selfadjoint problems
I. Babuška and J. E. Osborn PDF
Math. Comp. 52 (1989), 275-297
Cosine methods for nonlinear second-order hyperbolic equations
Laurence A. Bales and Vassilios A. Dougalis PDF
Math. Comp. 52 (1989), 299-319
Scattering by a potential using hyperbolic methods
Alvin Bayliss, Yan Yan Li and Cathleen Synge Morawetz PDF
Math. Comp. 52 (1989), 321-338
Incomplete iterations in multistep backward difference methods for parabolic problems with smooth and nonsmooth data
James H. Bramble, Joseph E. Pasciak, Peter H. Sammon and Vidar Thomée PDF
Math. Comp. 52 (1989), 339-367
Comparison of numerical methods for the calculation of two-dimensional turbulence
G. L. Browning and H.-O. Kreiss PDF
Math. Comp. 52 (1989), 369-388
Essentially nonoscillatory spectral Fourier methods for shock wave calculations
Wei Cai, David Gottlieb and Chi-Wang Shu PDF
Math. Comp. 52 (1989), 389-410
TVB Runge-Kutta local projection discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for conservation laws. II. General framework
Bernardo Cockburn and Chi-Wang Shu PDF
Math. Comp. 52 (1989), 411-435
Nonconforming finite elements for the Stokes problem
Michel Crouzeix and Richard S. Falk PDF
Math. Comp. 52 (1989), 437-456
Quadratic convergence of vortex methods
Vincenza Del Prete PDF
Math. Comp. 52 (1989), 457-470
Nonnegativity-, monotonicity-, or convexity-preserving cubic and quintic Hermite interpolation
Randall L. Dougherty, Alan S. Edelman and James M. Hyman PDF
Math. Comp. 52 (1989), 471-494
An absolutely stabilized finite element method for the Stokes problem
Jim Douglas and Jun Ping Wang PDF
Math. Comp. 52 (1989), 495-508
Nonlinear filters for efficient shock computation
Björn Engquist, Per Lötstedt and Björn Sjögreen PDF
Math. Comp. 52 (1989), 509-537
Design of a large helical system for magnetic fusion experiments
P. R. Garabedian PDF
Math. Comp. 52 (1989), 539-543
On the computation of finite invariant sets of mappings
Alex Gelman and Werner C. Rheinboldt PDF
Math. Comp. 52 (1989), 545-551
Comment on A.-P. Calderón’s paper: “On an inverse boundary value problem” [in Seminar on Numerical Analysis and its Applications to Continuum Physics (Rio de Janeiro, 1980), 65–73, Soc. Brasil. Mat., Rio de Janeiro, 1980; MR0590275 (81k:35160)]
David Isaacson and Eli L. Isaacson PDF
Math. Comp. 52 (1989), 553-559
Galerkin/Runge-Kutta discretizations for parabolic equations with time-dependent coefficients
Stephen L. Keeling PDF
Math. Comp. 52 (1989), 561-586
On some numerical schemes for transonic flow problems
Marco Mosché Mostrel PDF
Math. Comp. 52 (1989), 587-613
Convergence of a random particle method to solutions of the Kolmogorov equation $u_ t=\nu u_ {xx}+u(1-u)$
Elbridge Gerry Puckett PDF
Math. Comp. 52 (1989), 615-645
Convergence of a random walk method for the Burgers equation
Stephen Roberts PDF
Math. Comp. 52 (1989), 647-673
The second-order sharpening of blurred smooth borders
Blair Swartz PDF
Math. Comp. 52 (1989), 675-714
Reviews and Descriptions of Tables and Books
Math. Comp. 52 (1989), 715-718
Author Index
Math. Comp. 52 (1989), 719-721