Contractivity-preserving implicit linear multistep methods
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- by H. W. J. Lenferink PDF
- Math. Comp. 56 (1991), 177-199 Request permission
We investigate contractivity properties of implicit linear multistep methods in the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations. The emphasis is on nonlinear and linear systems $\frac {d}{{dt}}U(t) = f(t,U(t))$, where f satisfies a so-called circle condition in an arbitrary norm. The results for the two types of systems turn out to be closely related. We construct optimal multistep methods of given order and stepnumber, which allow the use of a maximal stepsize.References
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Additional Information
- © Copyright 1991 American Mathematical Society
- Journal: Math. Comp. 56 (1991), 177-199
- MSC: Primary 65L06; Secondary 65L20
- DOI:
- MathSciNet review: 1052098