The decomposition numbers of the Hecke algebra of type $E^ \ast _ 6$
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- by Meinolf Geck PDF
- Math. Comp. 61 (1993), 889-899 Request permission
Let ${E_6}(q)$ be the Chevalley group of type ${E_6}$, over a finite field with q elements, l be a prime not dividing q, and ${H_R}(q)$ be the endomorphism ring of the permutation representation (over a valuation ring R with residue class field of characteristic l) of ${E_6}(q)$ on the cosets of a standard Borel subgroup $B(q)$. Then the l-modular decomposition matrix ${D_l}$ of the algebra ${H_R}(q)$ is a submatrix of the l-modular decomposition matrix of the finite group ${E_6}(q)$. In this paper we determine the matrices ${D_l}$, for all l, q as above. For this purpose, we consider the generic Hecke algebra H associated with the finite Weyl group of type ${E_6}$ over the ring $A = \mathbb {Z}[v,{v^{ - 1}}]$ of Laurent polynomials in an indeterminate v, and calculate the decomposition matrices of H which are associated with specializations of v to roots of unity over $\mathbb {Q}$ or values in a finite field. The computations were done by using the computer algebra systems MAPLE and GAP.References
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Additional Information
- © Copyright 1993 American Mathematical Society
- Journal: Math. Comp. 61 (1993), 889-899
- MSC: Primary 20C20
- DOI:
- MathSciNet review: 1195429