Explicit bounds for primes in residue classes
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- by Eric Bach and Jonathan Sorenson PDF
- Math. Comp. 65 (1996), 1717-1735 Request permission
Let $E/K$ be an abelian extension of number fields, with $E \ne \Bbb Q$. Let $\Delta$ and $n$ denote the absolute discriminant and degree of $E$. Let $\sigma$ denote an element of the Galois group of $E/K$. We prove the following theorems, assuming the Extended Riemann Hypothesis:
There is a degree-$1$ prime ${\frak p}$ of $K$ such that $\left (\frac {\displaystyle \frak p}{E/K}\right ) =\sigma$, satisfying $N{\frak p}\le (1+o(1))(\log \Delta +2n)^2$.
There is a degree-$1$ prime $\frak p$ of $K$ such that $\left (\frac {\displaystyle \frak p}{E/K}\right )$ generates the same group as $\sigma$, satisfying $N{\frak p}\le (1+o(1))(\log \Delta )^2$.
For $K=\Bbb Q$, there is a prime $p$ such that $\left (\frac {\displaystyle \frak p}{E/\mathbb {Q}}\right )=\sigma$, satisfying $p\le (1+o(1))(\log \Delta )^2$.
In (1) and (2) we can in fact take $\frak p$ to be unramified in $K/\Bbb Q$. A special case of this result is the following.
[(4)] If $\gcd (m,q)=1$, the least prime $p\equiv m\pmod q$ satisfies $p\le (1+o(1))(\varphi (q)\log q)^2$.
It follows from our proof that (1)–(3) also hold for arbitrary Galois extensions, provided we replace $\sigma$ by its conjugacy class $\langle \sigma \rangle$. Our theorems lead to explicit versions of (1)–(4), including the following: the least prime $p \equiv m \pmod q$ is less than $2( q \log q )^2$.
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Additional Information
- Eric Bach
- Affiliation: Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin 53706
- Email: bach@cs.wisc.edu
- Jonathan Sorenson
- Affiliation: Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Butler University Indianapolis, Indiana 46208
- MR Author ID: 334195
- Email: sorenson@butler.edu
- Received by editor(s): October 4, 1994
- Received by editor(s) in revised form: September 5, 1995
- Additional Notes: This research was supported in part by NSF grants CCR-9208639 and CCR-9204414, a grant from the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, and a Butler University Fellowship
An extended abstract appeared in the Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics: Mathematics of Computation 1943–1993: A Half-Century of Computational Mathematics, Mathematics of Computation 50th Anniversary Symposium, August 9–13, 1993, Vancouver, British Columbia, as part of the Lehmer Minisymposium on computational number theory, Walter Gautschi, Editor, PSAPM volume 48, published by the American Mathematical Society, pp. 535–539 - © Copyright 1996 American Mathematical Society
- Journal: Math. Comp. 65 (1996), 1717-1735
- MSC (1991): Primary 11N13, 11M26; Secondary 11R44, 11Y35
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/S0025-5718-96-00763-6
- MathSciNet review: 1355006