Error estimates in , and in covolume methods for elliptic and parabolic problems: A unified approach

By So-Hsiang Chou and Qian Li


In this paper we consider covolume or finite volume element methods for variable coefficient elliptic and parabolic problems on convex smooth domains in the plane. We introduce a general approach for connecting these methods with finite element method analysis. This unified approach is used to prove known convergence results in the norms and new results in the max-norm. For the elliptic problems we demonstrate that the error between the exact solution and the approximate solution in the maximum norm is in the linear element case. Furthermore, the maximum norm error in the gradient is shown to be of first order. Similar results hold for the parabolic problems.

1. Introduction

Let be a convex domain in with smooth boundary and consider the general self-adjoint second order elliptic problem

where is nonnegative, , and the matrix of coefficients is uniformly elliptic; i.e., there exists a positive constant such that

The natural variational problem associated with (Equation 1.1)-(Equation 1.2) is to find such that


Since the error estimates to be derived below require that the exact solution be in for the norm case and be in for the max-norm and norm cases, it is necessary to have the smooth boundary assumption on the problem domain. If instead we were to consider a polygonal problem domain, all interior angles of the domain would have to be no greater than even if , rendering the and max-norm estimates so obtained too limited to be useful.

Referring to Figure 1, let be a triangulation of the polygonal domain into a union of triangular elements, where stands for the triangle whose barycenter is . Here is the maximum of the diameters over all triangles. The nodes of a triangular element are its vertices. We further require that the vertices which lie on also lie on , so that there exists a constant independent of satisfying

Associated with the primal partition , we define its dual partition of as follows. Let be an interior node and be its adjacent nodes, and be the midpoint of . Connect successively the points to obtain the dual polygonal element . Its nodes are defined to be The dual element based at a typical boundary node is . Let denote the set of all nodes of ; the set of all interior nodes in , and and denote the areas of triangle and polygon , respectively. Throughout this paper we shall assume the partitions to be quasi-uniform. There exist two positive constants independent of such that

Corresponding to , we define the trial function space as the space of continuous functions on the closure of which vanish outside and are linear on each triangle . Let be the usual linear interpolator, and thus if

where is the usual seminorm of the Sobolev space . This inequality can be obtained from its тАЬpolygonalтАЭ version using standard analysis Reference 23 in the тАЬskin layerтАЭ with the help of (Equation 1.7). Throughout the paper will denote a generic constant independent of and can have different values in different places. We use and for the norm and the seminorm of , respectively, when .

The test function space associated with the dual partition is defined as the set of all piecewise constants. More specifically, let be the characteristic function of the set we have for

Note that a test function is identically zero outside . Define the transfer operator connecting the trial and test spaces as

and hence

The approximate problem we consider is to find such that



where is an outward unit normal to , and is bilinear by construction. Using the facts and yields

where is the -th component of the outward unit normal to , and

Let us relate our work to the existing literature. The basic idea of the finite volume method for general elliptic problems is to use the divergence theorem on the elliptic operator of (Equation 1.1) to convert the double integral into a boundary integral as in (Equation 1.17). If one discretizes the boundary integral in (Equation 1.17) using finite differences, one gets the so-called finite volume difference methods Reference 1Reference 22 or the generalized difference methods Reference 15Reference 16Reference 17. On the other hand if one uses finite element spaces in the discretization, one gets the so-called finite volume element methods Reference 3Reference 4. In both cases two grids dual to each other are used. More recently, Nicolaides Reference 18 generalized the usual operators in vector analysis such as Div, Grad, and the Laplacian to Delaunay-Voronoi meshes. This class of methods is now termed the covolume method and has been successfully extended to practical fluid problems Reference 13Reference 14Reference 19Reference 21. See Reference 20 for a survey of the covolume method. Porsching Reference 25 initiated the so-called network method, which has also been extended to the Stokes problem Reference 6Reference 12Reference 11 with rigorous analysis and to two fluid flow problems Reference 24Reference 5. In the network method the emphasis is to conserve mass or energy over control volumes. The meshes chosen do not have to be of the Delaunay-Voronoi type. In this paper we take barycenters in favor of circumcenters (the Delaunay-Voronoi mesh system uses circumcenters), since the maximum norm estimation is less amenable in the latter case. We shall refer to any finite volume method utilizing two grids as a covolume method since the last two methods mentioned above are now subsumed under the name the covolume method Reference 20. In all the covolume methods cited so far none has addressed maximum norm estimates for general elliptic or parabolic problems, which are crucial to studying their nonlinear counterpart where the coefficient matrix becomes dependent on the solution. (However, some computational results in a discrete norm were reported in Reference 13, p. 160.) The approximation problem (Equation 1.14) has been considered by Reference 16Reference 17 where convergence results in the and norms were demonstrated. However, we shall prove these results in a unified way. The main purpose of this paper is to provide convergence results in the maximum norm for (Equation 1.14) and for an accompanying approximate parabolic problem.

We now outline a central idea used in this paper to show convergence in and maximum norms. The idea, we think, is general enough to be useful for numerical analysts working in covolume methods. Our style of presenting it will follow that of the classical paper Reference 23 on maxi-norm estimates in the finite element method. The central idea of analyzing the convergence of covolume methods is to reformulate (Equation 1.14) to find such that

which is a standard Galerkin method. With this association we can then tap into standard finite element analysis. A covolume method based on linear elements, if done properly, usually results in a system that is very close to the classical piecewise linear Galerkin method (more about this later). Comparison of the two systems then often leads to fruitful analysis. (This and similar ideas have been successfully exploited in Reference 6Reference 12Reference 11Reference 8Reference 9Reference 10.) Now if one strives to carry out this program, one is very naturally led into considering the quantity (d for тАЬdeviationтАЭ)

where is a тАЬgeneralтАЭ function, . The basic observation is that (see (Equation 2.11))

where the can be given various bounds that contain extra or тАЬfreeтАЭ powers of ; something unexpected at first glance (at the ). Thus, for example, the bounds on various take the following forms:

Here depends on ; it is if the coefficient matrix is constant.

Here if the function .

Remark 1.1.

See (Equation 2.12)-(Equation 2.26) for the derivation of these bounds.

To give a feel for the usefulness of this observation, let us take the case of


Thus the covolume approximation is given by

whereas, for the ordinary Galerkin solution, ,

Hence it is obvious that the covolume approximation can be viewd as a Galerkin method with a variational crime. In the general case,

with similar interpretation as two variational crimes. This view is very useful when dealing with the generalized Stokes problem (see Reference 6Reference 12Reference 11 for more detail).

Now back to the issues of general estimates; take and and apply (B.E), (B.E), (B.E), and (B.E) ((B.E) is void since ):

From this the coercivity (for small enough) and boundedness of follow (see Lemma 2.3).

Next, take ( ordinary Galerkin) to find

and it follows immediately that

so that, by the triangle inequality, , which proves the convergence (see Lemma 2.5).

Similarly, we can derive convergence via a duality argument as follows. Note that

Given a with unit тАУnorm, let on and let be the Ritz projection of . Thus

Here, (stability and Sobolev). Clearly, after some trivial manipulations, we obtain convergence in the norm.

The and norm estimation follows the same vein but is more involved. The details can be found in Section 3. The organization of this paper is as follows. In Section 2 we list and prove preliminary lemmas and the norm convergence results. In Section 3 we derive maximum norm error estimates for the elliptic problems. The main results are contained in Theorem 3.1 (the max-norm error in the approximate solution is and Theorem 3.2 (the max-norm error in the gradient is . The method of proof uses the above-mentioned central idea with the aid of the discrete GreenтАЩs function. In Section 4 we give similar maximum norm estimates for parabolic equations.

2. Preliminaries

Define the discrete norm:

Referring to Figure 2 and using the fact that are centers and are midpoints, we have

Next define the discrete seminorm and norm:

Lemma 2.1.

The two norms and are consistent, i.e., , and and are equivalent to and , respectively. Here the equivalence constants are independent of .


The first statement is easy to see since is constant over . As for the second statement, it suffices to show the equivalence of the norms. In reference to Figure 2, we have with

Summing over yields

Lemma 2.2.

is self-adjoint with respect to the inner product.


Then and are equivalent. Here the equivalence constants are independent of .


In reference to Figure 3, for , let be the quadrilateral , () and be the Lagrange nodal basis functions associated with , i.e., and are the barycentric coordinates. Over a typical write

(we will use local indices when there is no danger of confusion), and use (Equation 1.12) to obtain

where we have interchanged the summations and used the fact that

This last equality can be shown as follows. First it is easy to see that the triangle is divided into six equal-area subtriangles. Use the three-vertices quadrature rule on linears to evaluate:

where and are the two subtriangles that make up . Since and are the same, we see that

The other cases can be handled similarly since the underlying integrals only depend on the two areas as shown above. Finally, as a by-product, the equivalence of the two norms now follows by direct computation.


Now let us derive the important relation (Equation 1.21) mentioned in Section 1. For , we have by GreenтАЩs formula and the fact that vanishes outside that (see Figure 2)

where is the center of . Let denote the set of all vertices of . By GreenтАЩs formula we have for

Hence, with in place of in the above equation,

Now argue as in deriving (Equation 2.8) and use (Equation 2.9) with and to obtain



We are now in a position to show various bounds for тАЩs introduced in the previous section. In view of the definition (Equation 2.12), bound (B.E) is straightforward since is in . As for (B.E), from (Equation 2.13) can be rewritten (see Figure 2)

where . The equality is obtained by noticing that each line segment is traveled twice but in opposite orientations (once as , once as ) and then collecting the like-terms. By TaylorтАЩs expansion and the fact is linear in ,

On the other hand, by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality

where . Use the trace theorem (Reference 2, p. 37) and a scaling argument to obtain

Collecting estimates, using Lemma 2.1 and the generalized H├╢lderтАЩs inequality, we have

which implies (B.E).

Using proper quadratures for the two integrands and the fact that the quadrilaterals of Figure 3 have equal area, it is easy to see that


where is the local projection to the space of piecewise constants. (Note that using instead of avoids asking to be in , as is done in some literature.) From this bound (B.E) follows easily.

As for the estimation of , first note that is constant along an edge of the element and that


Let be the collection of all the interior edges in the primal triangulation . (An interior edge does not lie on .)

Using the boundary condition of on , continuity of and continuity of across the edges in (guaranteed by ), we have

where and are the centers of the two triangles sharing as a common edge, and the addition of a constant is due to (Equation 2.23). Now we choose as

where (resp. ) is the restriction of to the left (resp. right) triangle (resp. ).

Observe that

where or resembles . The technique used in deriving (Equation 2.20) yields

Thus as in deriving out (Equation 2.21), we have bound (B.E)

Finally, bound (B.E) follows from (Equation 2.16) easily. The following lemma is now proved in view of the central observation in Section 1.

Lemma 2.3.

There exist positive constants such that for

For covolume methods we seldom have a symmetric bilinear form even though is. However, we have a lemma which measures how far the bilinear form is from being symmetric. This lemma will be used in the parabolic problem.

Lemma 2.4.

There exist positive constants such that for


Use (Equation 1.20) and the triangle inequality to derive

Invoking proper bounds for completes the proof.


The next lemma is proved in Section 1.

Lemma 2.5.

The solution of of the problem Equation 1.14 and the exact solution of Equation 1.1 satisfy

whenever the right-hand sides make sense.

Given any , we define to be the discrete GreenтАЩs function associated with the form if

Lemma 2.6.

The function possesses the following properties Reference 26Reference 27:

Let be a given unit vector (direction) and let be any vector parallel to . Then we define

Lemma 2.7.

The derivative has the following properties Reference 27:

Lemma 2.8.

Let and be the solutions of Equation 1.1 and Equation 1.14, respectively. Then

3. Maximum norm estimates for an elliptic problem

Theorem 3.1.

Let be the solution of Equation 1.1 and be the solution of Equation 1.14. Then

provided that .


Let be the ordinary Galerkin of (Equation 1.1).

Since it is well known Reference 26 that the maximum norm error in is bounded by , it suffices to estimate . By the definition of the discrete GreenтАЩs function and (Equation 2.37)

Now we estimate By (B.E), (Equation 2.33) and Lemma 2.5,

By (B.E), (Equation 2.33) and Lemma 2.5,

By (B.E) and (Equation 2.33),


Theorem 3.2.

Under the hypotheses of Theorem 3.1


The proof parallels the development in Theorem 3.1. Since it is well known Reference 26 that the error in is bounded by , it suffice to estimate in . As before


Combining all the above inequalities completes the proof.


4. Maximum norm estimates for parabolic problems

Consider the associated parabolic problem to (Equation 1.1)-(Equation 1.2):

where is the elliptic operator of (Equation 1.1) and . The domain has the primal partition and dual partition of the types specified in Section 1. The trial and test spaces are still and , respectively. Consider the time-continuous approximation to (Equation 4.1)-(Equation 4.3):Find such that

where the approximate initial condition is the elliptic projection (see (Equation 4.8)) of the exact initial function to be specified in (Equation 4.15).

Theorem 4.1.

Let and be the solutions of Equation 4.1тАУEquation 4.3 and Equation 4.4тАУEquation 4.5, respectively. Then for

where .


Introduce the self-adjoint operator defined by

By Lemma 2.5, and Theorems 3.1 and 3.2,

Write It suffices to estimate By (Equation 4.1)-(Equation 4.4) and (Equation 4.8),

Set and use (Equation 2.7) to obtain

By Lemma 2.4, an inverse inequality, and Lemma 2.2,

where we have used the -inequality for positive . Taking small enough to absorb the term on the right-hand side into the left-hand side, we have


so that . Integrate (Equation 4.14) and use Lemma 2.3 to get

Use (Equation 4.9) and the GronwallтАЩs inequality to get

From the asymptotic Sobolev inequality (Reference 23, p. 274), we have

Combine (Equation 4.10) and (Equation 4.18) to get (Equation 4.6) and then use an inverse inequality to get

Noting (Equation 4.11) derives (Equation 4.7) completes the proof.



The authors wish to express their deepest gratitude to a referee who generously shared his insight and perspectives on the subject of this paper. We especially thank him for showing us that the -convergence results could be shortened with the central idea in Section 1.


Figure 1.

Primal and dual partitions of a convex domain

Graphic without alt text
Figure 2.

Primal triangular element with dual partition

Graphic without alt text
Figure 3.

A triangular element

Graphic without alt text

Mathematical Fragments

Equations (1.1), (1.2)
Equation (1.7)
Equation (1.12)
Equation (1.14)
Equation (1.17)
Equation (1.20)
Equation (1.21)
Lemma 2.1.

The two norms and are consistent, i.e., , and and are equivalent to and , respectively. Here the equivalence constants are independent of .

Lemma 2.2.

is self-adjoint with respect to the inner product.


Then and are equivalent. Here the equivalence constants are independent of .

Equation (2.8)
Equation (2.9)
Equation (2.11)
Equation (2.12)
Equation (2.13)
Equation (2.16)
Equation (2.20)
Equation (2.21)
Equation (2.23)
Equation (2.26)
Lemma 2.3.

There exist positive constants such that for

Lemma 2.4.

There exist positive constants such that for

Lemma 2.5.

The solution of of the problem Equation 1.14 and the exact solution of Equation 1.1 satisfy

whenever the right-hand sides make sense.

Lemma 2.6.

The function possesses the following properties Reference 26Reference 27:

Lemma 2.8.

Let and be the solutions of Equation 1.1 and Equation 1.14, respectively. Then

Theorem 3.1.

Let be the solution of Equation 1.1 and be the solution of Equation 1.14. Then

provided that .

Theorem 3.2.

Under the hypotheses of Theorem 3.1

Equations (4.1), (4.2), (4.3)
Equations (4.4), (4.5)
Theorem 4.1.

Let and be the solutions of Equation 4.1тАУEquation 4.3 and Equation 4.4тАУEquation 4.5, respectively. Then for

where .

Equation (4.8)
Equations (4.9), (4.10), (4.11)
Equation (4.14)
Equation (4.15)
Equation (4.18)


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Article Information

MSC 1991
Primary: 65F10 (Iterative methods for linear systems), 65N30 (Finite elements, Rayleigh-Ritz and Galerkin methods, finite methods)
  • Covolume methods
  • finite volume methods
  • generalized difference methods
  • network methods
  • finite volume element
Author Information
So-Hsiang Chou
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0221, U.S.A.
Qian Li
Department of Mathematics, Shandong Normal University, Shandong, China
Journal Information
Mathematics of Computation, Volume 69, Issue 229, ISSN 1088-6842, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 1999 American Mathematical Society
Article References
  • Permalink
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  • DOI 10.1090/S0025-5718-99-01192-8
  • MathSciNet Review: 1680859
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{1680859}{article}{ author={Chou, So-Hsiang}, author={Li, Qian}, title={Error estimates in $L^2$, $H^1$ and $L^\infty$ in covolume methods for elliptic and parabolic problems: A unified approach}, journal={Math. Comp.}, volume={69}, number={229}, date={2000-01}, pages={103-120}, issn={0025-5718}, review={1680859}, doi={10.1090/S0025-5718-99-01192-8}, }


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