Contents of Volume 74, Number 251
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- Convergence of a step-doubling Galerkin method for parabolic problems
- Bruce P. Ayati and Todd F. Dupont;
- Math. Comp. 74 (2005), 1053-1065
- DOI:
- Published electronically: September 10, 2004
- A locally conservative LDG method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
- Bernardo Cockburn, Guido Kanschat and Dominik Schötzau;
- Math. Comp. 74 (2005), 1067-1095
- DOI:
- Published electronically: October 5, 2004
- Pointwise error estimates of the local discontinuous Galerkin method for a second order elliptic problem
- Hongsen Chen;
- Math. Comp. 74 (2005), 1097-1116
- DOI:
- Published electronically: July 16, 2004
- A posteriori analysis of the finite element discretization of some parabolic equations
- A. Bergam, C. Bernardi and Z. Mghazli;
- Math. Comp. 74 (2005), 1117-1138
- DOI:
- Published electronically: August 10, 2004
- BEM with linear complexity for the classical boundary integral operators
- Steffen Börm and Stefan A. Sauter;
- Math. Comp. 74 (2005), 1139-1177
- DOI:
- Published electronically: December 8, 2004
- Efficient inversion of the Galerkin matrix of general second-order elliptic operators with nonsmooth coefficients
- Mario Bebendorf;
- Math. Comp. 74 (2005), 1179-1199
- DOI:
- Published electronically: September 17, 2004
- Optimal error estimate of the penalty finite element method for the time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations
- Yinnian He;
- Math. Comp. 74 (2005), 1201-1216
- DOI:
- Published electronically: February 16, 2005
- A convergent difference scheme for the infinity Laplacian: construction of absolutely minimizing Lipschitz extensions
- Adam M. Oberman;
- Math. Comp. 74 (2005), 1217-1230
- DOI:
- Published electronically: September 10, 2004
- A domain decomposition method using efficient interface-acting preconditioners
- Serge Kräutle;
- Math. Comp. 74 (2005), 1231-1256
- DOI:
- Published electronically: September 17, 2004
- Approximations of a Ginzburg-Landau model for superconducting hollow spheres based on spherical centroidal Voronoi tessellations
- Qiang Du and Lili Ju;
- Math. Comp. 74 (2005), 1257-1280
- DOI:
- Published electronically: December 8, 2004
- A finite dimensional realization of the mollifier method for compact operator equations
- M. T. Nair and Shine Lal;
- Math. Comp. 74 (2005), 1281-1290
- DOI:
- Published electronically: August 26, 2004
- A partial differential equation connected to option pricing with stochastic volatility: Regularity results and discretization
- Yves Achdou, Bruno Franchi and Nicoletta Tchou;
- Math. Comp. 74 (2005), 1291-1322
- DOI:
- Published electronically: October 5, 2004
- Balanced multi-wavelets in $\mathbb R^s$
- Charles K. Chui and Qingtang Jiang;
- Math. Comp. 74 (2005), 1323-1344
- DOI:
- Published electronically: June 7, 2004
- Noninterpolatory Hermite subdivision schemes
- Bin Han, Thomas P.-Y. Yu and Yonggang Xue;
- Math. Comp. 74 (2005), 1345-1367
- DOI:
- Published electronically: September 10, 2004
- Refinable bivariate quartic $C^2$-splines for multi-level data representation and surface display
- Charles K. Chui and Qingtang Jiang;
- Math. Comp. 74 (2005), 1369-1390
- DOI:
- Published electronically: July 28, 2004
- Instability analysis of saddle points by a local minimax method
- Jianxin Zhou;
- Math. Comp. 74 (2005), 1391-1411
- DOI:
- Published electronically: July 20, 2004
- Global convergence of SSM for minimizing a quadratic over a sphere
- William W. Hager and Soonchul Park;
- Math. Comp. 74 (2005), 1413-1423
- DOI:
- Published electronically: December 30, 2004
- Integrals of polylogarithmic functions, recurrence relations, and associated Euler sums
- Pedro Freitas;
- Math. Comp. 74 (2005), 1425-1440
- DOI:
- Published electronically: February 14, 2005
- The convergence of harmonic Ritz values, harmonic Ritz vectors and refined harmonic Ritz vectors
- Zhongxiao Jia;
- Math. Comp. 74 (2005), 1441-1456
- DOI:
- Published electronically: June 1, 2004
- Real zeros of Dedekind zeta functions of real quadratic fields
- Kok Seng Chua;
- Math. Comp. 74 (2005), 1457-1470
- DOI:
- Published electronically: July 21, 2004
- Predicting nonlinear pseudorandom number generators
- Simon R. Blackburn, Domingo Gomez-Perez, Jaime Gutierrez and Igor E. Shparlinski;
- Math. Comp. 74 (2005), 1471-1494
- DOI:
- Published electronically: July 27, 2004
- Computing the tight closure in dimension two
- Holger Brenner;
- Math. Comp. 74 (2005), 1495-1518
- DOI:
- Published electronically: January 27, 2005
- Families of cyclic polynomials obtained from geometric generalization of Gaussian period relations
- Ki-ichiro Hashimoto and Akinari Hoshi;
- Math. Comp. 74 (2005), 1519-1530
- DOI:
- Published electronically: February 14, 2005
- Solving quadratic equations using reduced unimodular quadratic forms
- Denis Simon;
- Math. Comp. 74 (2005), 1531-1543
- DOI:
- Published electronically: January 27, 2005
- Computing weight $2$ modular forms of level $p^2$
- Ariel Pacetti and Fernando Rodriguez Villegas; with an appendix by B. Gross
- Math. Comp. 74 (2005), 1545-1557
- DOI:
- Published electronically: September 10, 2004
- The continuing search for Wieferich primes
- Joshua Knauer and Jörg Richstein;
- Math. Comp. 74 (2005), 1559-1563
- DOI:
- Published electronically: January 19, 2005
- On the nonexistence of $2$-cycles for the $3x+1$ problem
- John L. Simons;
- Math. Comp. 74 (2005), 1565-1572
- DOI:
- Published electronically: December 8, 2004
- Erratum to “Some new kinds of pseudoprimes”
- Jerzy Browkin;
- Math. Comp. 74 (2005), 1573-1573
- DOI:
- Published electronically: February 24, 2005