High order finite volume schemes based on reconstruction of states for solving hyperbolic systems with nonconservative products. Applications to shallow-water systems

By Manuel Castro, José M. Gallardo, and Carlos Parés


This paper is concerned with the development of high order methods for the numerical approximation of one-dimensional nonconservative hyperbolic systems. In particular, we are interested in high order extensions of the generalized Roe methods introduced by I. Toumi in 1992, based on WENO reconstruction of states. We also investigate the well-balanced properties of the resulting schemes. Finally, we will focus on applications to shallow-water systems.

1. Introduction

The motivating question of this paper was the design of well-balanced high order numerical schemes for PDE systems that can be written under the form

where the unknown takes values on an open convex subset of , is a regular function from to , is a regular matrix-valued function from to , is a function from to , and is a known function from to .

System Equation 1.1 includes as particular cases: systems of conservation laws (, ), systems of conservation laws with source term or balance laws (), and coupled systems of conservation laws.

More precisely, the discretization of the shallow-water systems that govern the flow of one layer or two superposed layers of immiscible homogeneous fluids was focused. The corresponding systems can be written respectively as a balance law or a coupled system of two conservation laws. Systems with similar characteristics also appear in other flow models, such as boiling flows and two-phase flows (see Reference 13).

It is well known that standard methods that correctly solve systems of conservation laws can fail in solving Equation 1.1, especially when approaching equilibria or near to equilibria solutions. In the context of shallow-water equations, Bermúdez and Vázquez-Cendón introduced in Reference 2 the condition called conservation property or -property: a scheme is said to satisfy this condition if it correctly solves the steady state solutions corresponding to water at rest. This idea of constructing numerical schemes that preserve some equilibria, which are called in general well-balanced schemes, has been extended in different ways; see, e.g., Reference 3, Reference 6, Reference 7, Reference 8, Reference 12, Reference 14, Reference 17, Reference 18, Reference 21, Reference 22, Reference 26, Reference 28, Reference 29, Reference 30, Reference 35.

Among the main techniques used in the derivation of well-balanced numerical schemes, one of them consists in first choosing a standard conservative scheme for the discretization of the flux terms and then discretizing the source and the coupling terms in order to obtain a consistent scheme which correctly solves a predetermined family of equilibria. This was the approach in Reference 2 where the authors proved, in the context of shallow-water equations, that numerical schemes based on Roe methods for the discretization of the flux terms and upwinding the source term exacly solve equilibria corresponding to water at rest. In Reference 12 it was shown that the technique of modified equations can be helpful in the deduction of well-balanced numerical schemes.

This procedure has been succesfully applied to obtain high order numerical schemes for some particular cases of Equation 1.1 (see, for instance, Reference 4, Reference 38 and Reference 39). The main disadvantage of this first technique is its lack of generality: the calculation of the correct discretization of the source and the coupling terms depends on both the specific problem and the conservative numerical scheme chosen.

Another technique to obtain well-balanced first order schemes for solving Equation 1.1 consists in considering piecewise constant approximations of the solutions that are updated by means of Approximate Riemann Solvers at the intercells. In particular, Godunov’s methods, i.e., methods based on Exact Riemann Solvers, have been used in the context of shallow-water systems in Reference 1, Reference 9, Reference 10, Reference 15, Reference 21, Reference 22. This approach was also used in Reference 5, where the flux and the coupling terms of a bilayer shallow-water system were treated together by using a generalized Roe linearization.

If this second procedure is followed, the main difficulty both from the mathematical and the numerical points of view comes from the presence of nonconservative products, which makes difficult even the definition of weak solutions: in general, the product does not make sense as a distribution for discontinuous solutions. This is also the case for the product when piecewise constant approximations of are considered.

A helpful strategy in solving these difficulties consists in considering system Equation 1.1 as a particular case of a one-dimensional quasilinear hyperbolic system:

In effect, adding to Equation 1.1 the trivial equation

system Equation 1.1 can be easily rewritten under this form (see Reference 17, Reference 18, Reference 21, Reference 22).

In Reference 11, Dal Maso, LeFloch, and Murat proposed an interpretation of non-conservative products as Borel measures, based on the choice of a family of paths in the phases space. After this theory it is possible to give a rigorous definition of weak solutions of Equation 1.2. Together with the definition of weak solutions, a notion of entropy has to be chosen as the usual Lax’s concept or one related to an entropy pair. Once this choice has been done, the classical theory of simple waves of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws and the results concerning the solutions of Riemann problems can be extended to systems of the form Equation 1.2.

The introduction of a family of paths does not only give a way to properly define the concept of weak solution for nonconservative systems, it also allows us to extend to this framework some basic concepts related to the numerical approximation of weak solutions of conservation laws. For instance, in Reference 36 a general definition of Roe linearizations was introduced, also based on the use of a family of paths. In Reference 28 a general definition of well-balanced schemes for solving Equation 1.2 was introduced. It was shown that the well-balanced properties of these generalized Roe methods depend on the choice of the family of paths. Moreover, this general methodology was applied to some systems of the form Equation 1.1 related to shallow-water flows, recovering some known well-balanced schemes, or resulting in new schemes.

The goal of this paper is to obtain the general expression of a well-balanced high order method for Equation 1.2 based on the use of a first order Roe scheme and reconstruction of states. The interest of such a general expression is that, once obtained, particular schemes can be deduced for any system of the form Equation 1.1, where the numerical treatment of source and coupling terms is automatically derived. To our knowledge, the present work is the first attempt to obtain well-balanced high order numerical schemes following this procedure.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we give some basic definitions and results about nonconservative systems, Roe linearizations and generalized Roe schemes, for which we will follow Reference 28 closely. High order versions of the Roe schemes, based on reconstruction operators, are introduced in Section 3. Next, Section 4 is devoted to the analysis of the well-balanced properties of the high order schemes previously constructed. In Section 6, the WENO method is applied to build the reconstruction operators. Applications to a family of systems that generalize Equation 1.1 are presented in Section 5, with particular interest in some shallow-water systems with one and two layers of fluid. Finally, Section 7 contains numerical results to test the performances of our high-order schemes. In particular, the high order well-balanced property is numerically verified.

2. Roe methods for nonconservative hyperbolic systems

Consider the system in nonconservative form

where we suppose that the range of is contained inside an open convex subset of , and is a smooth locally bounded map. The system Equation 2.1 is assumed to be strictly hyperbolic: for each the matrix has real distinct eigenvalues . We also suppose that the th characteristic field is either genuinely nonlinear:

or linearly degenerate:

For discontinuous solutions , the nonconservative product does not make sense as a distribution. However, the theory developed by Dal Maso, LeFloch and Murat (Reference 11) allows us to give a rigorous definition of nonconservative products, associated to the choice of a family of paths in .

Definition 2.1.

A family of paths in is a locally Lipschitz map

that satisfies the following properties:


and , for any .


Given an arbitrary bounded set , there exists a constant such that

for any and for almost every .


For every bounded set , there exists a constant such that

for each and for almost every .

Suppose that a family of paths in has been chosen. Then, for , the nonconservative product can be interpreted as a Borel measure denoted by . When no confusion arises, we will drop the dependency on .

A weak solution of system Equation 2.1 is defined as a function that satisfies the equality

In particular, a piecewise function is a weak solution of Equation 2.1 if and only if the two following conditions are satisfied:


is a classical solution in the domains where it is .


Along a discontinuity satisfies the jump condition

where is the identity matrix, is the speed of propagation of the discontinuity, and , are the left and right limits of the solution at the discontinuity.

Note that in the particular case of a system of conservation laws (that is, is the Jacobian matrix of some flux function ) the jump condition Equation 2.2 is independent of the family of paths, and it reduces to the usual Rankine-Hugoniot condition:

In the general case, the selection of the family of paths has to be based on the physical background of the problem under consideration. Nevertheless, it is natural from the mathematical point of view to require this family to satisfy some hypotheses concerning the relation of the paths with the integral curves of the characteristic fields. For instance, if and are linked by an integral curve of a linearly degenerate field, the natural choice of the path is a parametrization of that curve, as this choice assures that the contact discontinuity

where is the (constant) value of the corresponding eigenvalue through the integral curve, is a weak solution of the problem, as would be the case for a system of conservation laws.

Due to these requirements, the explicit calculation of the path linking two given states and can be difficult: in most cases, the explicit expression of the solution of the Riemann problem related to the states is needed (see Reference 28).

Together with this definition of weak solutions, a notion of entropy has to be chosen, either as the usual Lax’s concept or one related to an entropy pair (see Reference 16 for details). Once this choice has been done, the theory of simple waves of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws and the results concerning the solutions of Riemann problems can be naturally extended to systems of the form Equation 2.1 (see Reference 11).

Some of the usual numerical schemes designed for conservation laws can be adapted to the discretization of the more general system Equation 2.1. This is the case of Roe schemes (see Reference 31): in Reference 36 a general definition of Roe linearization was introduced, based again on the use of a family of paths.

Definition 2.2.

Given a family of paths , a function is called a Roe linearization of system Equation 2.1 if it verifies the following properties:


For each , has distinct real eigenvalues.


, for every .


For any ,

Note again that if is the Jacobian matrix of a smooth flux function , Equation 2.5 is independent of the family of paths and reduces to the usual Roe property:

Once a Roe linearization has been chosen, in order to construct numerical schemes for solving Equation 2.1, computing cells are considered; let us suppose for simplicity that the cells have constant size and that . Define , the center of the cell . Let be the constant time step and define . Denote by the approximation of the cell averages of the exact solution provided by the numerical scheme, that is,

Then, the numerical scheme advances in time by solving linear Riemann problems at the intercells at time and taking the averages of their solutions on the cells at time . Under usual CFL conditions, it can be written as follows (see Reference 28):

Here, the intermediate matrices are defined by

and, as usual,

where is the diagonal matrix whose coefficients are the eigenvalues of :

and is an matrix whose columns are associated eigenvectors.

In the particular case of a system of conservation laws, Equation 2.7 can be written under the usual form of a conservative numerical scheme. First, the numerical flux is defined by


Then, the following equalities can be easily verified:

Finally using these equalities in Equation 2.7 we obtain:

The best choice of the family of paths appearing in the definition of Roe linearization is the family selected for the definition of weak solutions. In effect, Roe methods based on the family of paths can correctly solve discontinuities in the following sense: let us suppose that and can be linked by an entropic discontinuity propagating at speed ; then, from Equation 2.5 and Equation 2.2 we deduce that

i.e., is an eigenvalue of the intermediate matrix and is an associated eigenvector. As a consequence, the solution of the linear Riemann problem corresponding to the intercell ,

coincides with the solution of the Riemann problem

Both solutions consist of a discontinuity linking the states and propagating at velocity .

Nevertheless, the construction of these schemes with can be difficult or very costly in practice. In this case, a simpler family of paths has to be chosen as the family of segments

In Reference 28 it was remarked that, in this case, the convergence of the numerical scheme can fail when the weak solution to approach involves discontinuities connecting states and such that the paths of the families and linking them are different.

As in the case of a system of conservation laws, the scheme Equation 2.7 has to be used with a CFL condition:

with . An entropy fix technique, as the Harten-Hyman one (Reference 24, Reference 25), also has to be included.

3. High order schemes based on reconstruction of states

In the case of systems of conservation laws

there are several methods to obtain higher order schemes based on the use of a reconstruction operator. In particular, methods based on the reconstruction of states are built using the following procedure: given a first order conservative scheme with numerical flux function , a reconstruction operator of order is considered, that is, an operator that associates to a given sequence two new sequences, and , in such a way that, whenever

for some smooth function , we have that

Once the first order method and the reconstruction operator have been chosen, the method of lines can be used to develop high order methods for Equation 3.1: the idea is to discretize only in space, leaving the problem continuous in time. This procedure leads to a system of ordinary differential equations which is solved using a standard numerical method. In particular, we assume here that the first order scheme is a Roe method.

Let denote the cell average of a regular solution of Equation 3.1 over the cell at time :

The following equation can be easily obtained for the cell averages:

This system is now approached by


where is the approximation to provided by the scheme, and is the reconstruction associated to the sequence .

Let us now generalize this semi-discrete method for a nonconservative system Equation 2.1. Observe that, in Section 2, the key point to generalize both the Rankine-Hugoniot condition Equation 2.3 and the Roe property Equation 2.6 to system Equation 2.1 was to replace a difference of fluxes by an integral along a path. Let us apply the same technique here. First of all, as the first order scheme is a Roe method, using the equalities Equation 2.8 and Equation 2.9 (replacing and by and , respectively) we can rewrite Equation 3.2 as follows:

where is the intermediate matrix corresponding to the states and .

Let us now introduce, at every cell , any regular function such that

Then, Equation 3.3 can now be written under the form

Note now that Equation 3.5 can be easily generalized to obtain a numerical scheme for solving Equation 2.1:

where the intermediate matrices are defined by means of a Roe linearization based on a family of paths and is again a regular function satisfying Equation 3.4.

Remark 3.1.

It is important to note that for conservative problems, the numerical scheme Equation 3.6 is equivalent to the conservative numerical scheme Equation 3.3 if, and only if, the integral term is computed exactly. However, the formulation Equation 3.6 is useless when working with conservative problems, as we would get involved with a more complex expression of the numerical scheme. The numerical scheme Equation 3.6 is useful only for problems with nonconservative products, as it allows us to deduce numerical schemes for particular problems, using numerical quadratures if necessary.

There is an important difference between the conservative and the nonconservative case: in the conservative case the numerical scheme is independent of the functions chosen at the cells, but this is not the case for nonconservative problems. As a consequence, while the numerical scheme Equation 3.2 has the same order of the reconstruction operator, in the case of the scheme Equation 3.6 it seems clear that, in order to have a high order scheme, together with a high order reconstruction operator, the functions and their derivatives have to be high order approximations of and its partial derivative .

In practice, the definition of the reconstruction operator gives the natural choice of the function , as the usual procedure to define a reconstruction operator is the following: given a sequence of values at the cells, first an approximation function is constructed at every cell , based on the values of at some of the neighbor cells (the stencil):

for some natural numbers . These approximations functions are calculated by means of an interpolation or approximation procedure. Once these functions have been constructed, (resp. ) is calculated by taking the limit of (resp. ) to the left (resp. to the right) of . If the reconstruction operator is built following this procedure (as we will assume in the sequel), the natural choice of is

Let us now investigate the order of the numerical scheme Equation 3.6. Note first that, for regular solutions of Equation 2.1, the cell averages at the cells satisfy

Thus, Equation 3.6 is expected to be a good approximation of Equation 3.7. This fact is stated in the following result:

Theorem 3.2.

Let us assume that is of class with bounded derivatives and is bounded. Let us also suppose that the -order reconstruction operator is such that, given a sequence defined by

for some smooth function , we have that

Then Equation 3.6 is an approximation of order at least to the system Equation 3.7 in the following sense:

for every smooth enough solution , being the associated reconstructions and the approximation functions corresponding to the sequence


On the one hand, as the reconstruction operator is of order , we have

On the other hand,

The equality Equation 3.8 is easily deduced from the above equalities.

Remark 3.3.

For the usual reconstruction operators one has , and thus the order of Equation 3.6 is for nonconservative systems and for conservation laws. Therefore a loss of accuracy can be observed when a technique of reconstruction giving order for systems of conservation laws is applied to a nonconservative problem.

4. Well-balanced property

In this paragraph we investigate the well-balanced properties of schemes of the form Equation 3.6. Well-balancing is related with the numerical approximation of equilibria, i.e., steady state solutions. System Equation 2.1 can only have nontrivial steady state solutions if it has linearly degenerate fields: if is a regular steady state solution it satisfies

and then 0 is an eigenvalue of for all and is an eigenvector. Therefore, the solution can be interpreted as a parametrization of an integral curve of a linearly degenerate characteristic field whose corresponding eigenvalue takes the value 0 through the curve. In order to define the concept of well-balancing, let us introduce the set of all the integral curves of a linearly degenerate field of such that the corresponding eigenvalue vanishes on . According to Reference 28, given a curve , a numerical scheme is said to be exactly well-balanced (respectively well-balanced with order ) for if it solves exactly (respectively up to order ) regular stationary solutions satisfying for every . The numerical scheme is said to be exactly well-balanced or well-balanced with order if these properties are satisfied for any curve of (see Reference 28 for details).

In the cited article, it has been shown that a Roe scheme Equation 2.7 based on a family of paths is exactly well balanced for a curve if, given two states and in , the path is a parametrization of the arc of linking the states. In particular, if the family of paths coincides with the one used in the definition of weak solutions , the numerical scheme is exactly well balanced. On the other hand, the numerical scheme is well balanced with order if approximates with order a regular parametrization of the arc of linking the states. In particular, a Roe scheme based on the family of segments Equation 2.10 is well balanced with order 2. Moreover, it is exactly well balanced for curves of that are straight lines.

The definition of a well-balanced scheme introduced in Reference 28 can be easily extended for semi-discrete methods.

Definition 4.1.

Let us consider a semi-discrete method for solving Equation 2.1:

where represent the vector of approximations to the cell averages of the exact solution, and the vector of initial data. Let be a curve of . The numerical method Equation 4.1 is said to be exactly well balanced for if, given a regular stationary solution such that

the vector is a critical point for the system of differential equations in Equation 4.1, i.e.,

Also, it is said to be well balanced with order if

Finally, the semi-discrete method Equation 4.1 is said to be exactly well balanced or well balanced with order if these properties are satisfied for every curve of the set .

For the particular case of the numerical schemes based on reconstruction of states Equation 3.6 we have

where are the reconstructions associated to the sequence and the corresponding approximation functions. Hereafter, we give two results concerning the well-balanced property of this scheme, but first we introduce a new definition.

Definition 4.2.

A reconstruction operator based on smooth approximation functions is said to be exactly well balanced for a curve if, given a sequence in , the approximation functions satisfy

for every .

Theorem 4.3.

Let belong to . Let us suppose that both the generalized Roe method and the reconstruction operator chosen are exactly well balanced for . Then the numerical scheme Equation 3.6 is also exactly well balanced for .


Let be a regular stationary solution satisfying

and . From Equation 4.2 and the exactly well-balanced character of the generalized Roe method, we obtain

On the other hand, using Equation 4.2, can be understood as a parametrization of an arc of , which is an integral curve of a linearly degenerate field whose corresponding eigenvalue is zero. Therefore,

The proof is easily deduced from the two equalities above.

Theorem 4.4.

Under the hypotheses of Theorem 3.2, the scheme Equation 3.6 is well balanced with order at least .


The proof is similar to that of Theorem 3.2

Remark 4.5.

Note that well-balanced properties for the Roe scheme or the reconstruction operator are not required in this latter result.

5. Applications

We consider in this section systems of the form


Here, is a known function from to , is a regular function from to , is an open convex subset of , is a regular matrix-valued function from to , and is a function from to . We can assume without loss of generality that has the form

for some regular function .

We denote by the Jacobian matrix of :

System Equation 5.1 includes as particular cases systems of conservation laws (, ) whose flux function may depend on via the function , systems of conservation laws with source term or balance laws (), or coupled systems of conservation laws as defined in Reference 5. In this latter case, is block-diagonal and the blocks of corresponding to the nonzero diagonal blocks of are zero.

Following the idea developed in Reference 17, Reference 18 for conservation laws with source terms, if we add to Equation 5.1 the trivial equation

the problem can be written under the form Equation 2.1:

where is the augmented vector

and the block structure of the matrix is given by

Here represents the matrix

We assume that the matrix has real distinct eigenvalues

and associated eigenvectors , . If these eigenvalues do not vanish, Equation 5.2 is a strictly hyperbolic system: has distinct real eigenvalues

with associated eigenvectors

given by

Clearly, the -th field is linearly degenerate and, for the sake of simplicity, we will suppose that it is the only one. The integral curves of the linearly degenerate field are given by those of the ODE system

Remark 5.1.

Note that, in this case, the set defined in the previous section is simply the set of all the integral curves of the linearly degenerate field, as the corresponding eigenvalues always take the value 0. Let us illustrate in this case the relation between these integral curves and the stationary solutions. Let be an integral curve of the linearly degenerate field and let us suppose that it can be described implicitly by a system of equations:

As is a known function, for every , Equation 5.3 is a system of equations with unknowns . The stationary solutions associated to the curve are obtained by searching solutions of system Equation 5.3 which depend smoothly on .

For the definition of weak solutions of system Equation 5.2 and the choice of the family of paths, we refer the interested reader to Reference 28 and the references therein. Let us only mention that the complete definition of the path linking two states is not easy, as it requires the explicit knowledge of the solution of the corresponding Riemann problem. Therefore, the construction of Roe schemes based on the family of paths used in the definition of weak solutions is, in general, a difficult task.

Thus we consider the general case in which the family of paths used for the construction of Roe matrices is different to that used in the definition of weak solutions. In particular, in the applications the family of segments Equation 2.10 has been considered.

The following notation will be used:

Let us suppose that, for any fixed value of , Roe matrices can be calculated for the system of conservation laws corresponding to and , i.e., we assume that, given , and , we can calculate a matrix such that

Let us also suppose that it is possible to calculate a value of , a matrix , and a vector , such that the following identities hold:

Then, it can be easily shown (see Reference 28) that the matrix


is a Roe matrix provided that it has distinct real eigenvalues.

Once the Roe matrices have been calculated, the reconstructions are added to go to higher order. We will use the following notation:

Some straightforward calculations allow us to rewrite the scheme Equation 3.6 under a form closer to that of WENO-Roe methods for conservation laws:



These latter matrices can be also be written under the form

where is the matrix whose columns are the eigenvectors , …, and is the diagonal matrix whose coefficients are the signs of the eigenvalues ,…, . Besides,

or, equivalently (see Equation 5.4),


Remark 5.2.

In this context, the meaning of the well-balanced property of the reconstruction operator can be understood as follows: let us suppose, as in Remark 5.1, that an integral curve of the linearly degenerate field can be described by a system of equations Equation 5.3. Let us suppose that is a stationary solution such that for all , i.e.,

If we now apply a well-balanced reconstruction operator to the sequence , then the approximation functions have to satisfy

6. WENO-Roe methods

In this section we consider numerical schemes of the form Equation 3.6, in which the approximation functions used in the reconstruction operator are built by means of a WENO interpolation procedure using stencils with points; we denote this method simply as -WENO, and the resulting scheme as -WENO-Roe. For the details about WENO interpolation, see Reference 23, Reference 27, Reference 33, Reference 34. The reconstructions proposed in the -WENO method are as follows:

where each is the derivative of an interpolation polynomial that uses the values of the sequence at the stencil

The weights satisfy

These weights are calculated so that, on the one hand, the reconstruction operator is of order and, on the other hand, the weight is near to zero when the data on the stencil indicate the presence of a discontinuity.

In order to construct the approximation function at the cells, let us first define

(see Figure 1).

We have to define a function at the cell satisfying

A first possibility is given by

This first definition does not fit into the framework defined in Section 3, as is, in general, discontinuous:

Due to this fact, if a WENO-Roe scheme Equation 3.6 is used to design a high order numerical method for a problem of the form Equation 5.1, when the numerical scheme is written under the form Equation 5.5, an extra term has to be added at the right-hand side:

Nevertheless, this difference of fluxes is of order , and it can be neglected.

A second definition avoiding this discontinuity is the following:

Due to the definition of the reconstruction operator, the functions given by Equation 6.1 or Equation 6.2 provide only approximations of order at the interior points of the cells, while their derivatives give approximations of order . Therefore, applying Theorem 3.2, the method Equation 3.6 has only order , while it has order when it is applied to systems of conservation laws.

Remark 6.1.

If, instead of a WENO method the -ENO reconstruction operator is chosen, the expected order of the numerical scheme is , since in this case the approximation functions coincide with interpolation polynomials constructed on the basis of stencils with points. Nevertheless, as commented in Reference 34, the use of WENO approximations has several advantadges: it gives smoother operators, it is less sensible to round-off errors, and it avoids the use of conditionals in its practical implementation, being optimal for the vectorization of the algorithms.

It is however possible, performing some slight modifications on the WENO interpolation procedure, to obtain a method of order . The idea is as follows: instead of choosing the usual WENO reconstructions we consider the functions

where the weights now depend on and are calculated following the usual procedure in WENO reconstruction, so that the order of approximation is in the cell. Unfortunately, the derivatives of these approximation functions are not easy to obtain. Instead, we substitute these derivatives by new WENO approximation functions

where, again, the weights are calculated, for every , following the usual procedure in WENO reconstruction. Therefore, we again obtain order in the cell.

Once these functions have been defined, we introduce the new approximation functions at the cells given either by


depending on the chosen approach.

Once these functions have been defined, the integral appearing in Equation 3.6 is replaced by

In practice, this integral is approached by means of a Gaussian quadrature of order at least . As a consequence, the weights and have to be calculated only at the quadrature points.

Following the same steps as in the case of the -WENO-Roe method, it can be easily shown that the resulting scheme (that will be denoted as modified -WENO-Roe) is well balanced with order .

The computational cost of this modified numerical scheme is higher than those corresponding to standard WENO reconstructions, as two set of weights have to be calculated at every quadrature point. Moreover, the positivity of the weights is only ensured at the intercells, due to the choice of stencils. Therefore, in some cases negative weights may appear at interior quadrature points giving rise to oscillations and instabilities. For handling these negative weights, if necessary, the splitting technique of Shi, Hu and Shu (Reference 32) can be applied. However, in some cases (see, e.g., Section 7.7) this technique does not completely remove the oscillations, and the scheme eventually crashes. The causes of this problem are currently under investigation.

We finish this section with a remark about time-stepping. As is usual in WENO interpolation based schemes, in order to obtain a full high resolution scheme it is necessary to use a high order method to advance in time. In the schemes considered here we have taken optimal high order TVD Runge-Kutta schemes (Reference 19, Reference 33).

6.1. Shallow-water equations with depth variations

The equations governing the flow of a shallow-water layer of fluid through a straight channel with constant rectangular cross-section can be written as

The variable makes reference to the axis of the channel and is time, and represent the mass-flow and the thickness, respectively, is gravity, and is the depth function measured from a fixed level of reference. The fluid is supposed to be homogeneous and inviscid.

The system Equation 6.3 can be rewritten under the form Equation 5.1 with ,

and . Observe that, in this case, the flux and the coefficients of the source term do not depend on .

We can also write system Equation 6.3 under the nonconservative form Equation 5.2 with

where is the averaged velocity and .

If the family of segments Equation 2.10 is chosen as the family of paths, a family of Roe matrices for system Equation 6.3 is given by (see Reference 28)


For system Equation 6.3, stationary solutions are given by

where and are constants. In the particular case of water at rest, we have the solutions

Therefore, solutions corresponding to still water define straight lines in the -- space. As a consequence, Roe methods based on the family of segments are exactly well balanced for still-water solutions and well balanced with order 2 for general stationary solutions (see Reference 2, Reference 28).

The reconstruction operator proposed here to get higher order schemes is based on WENO reconstruction related to the variables , and (this variable represents the water surface elevation). That is, given a sequence we consider the new sequence with and apply the -WENO reconstruction operator to obtain polynomials

then, we define

This reconstruction is exactly well balanced for stationary solutions corresponding to water at rest. In effect, if the sequence lie on the curve defined by Equation 6.5, then and . As a consequence,

so we have

and thus the reconstruction operator is well balanced (see Remark 5.2).

Applying Theorems 4.3 and 4.4, we deduce that the corresponding WENO-Roe schemes satisfy the -property, i.e., they are exactly well balanced for still-water solutions, and well balanced with order for general stationary solutions. To obtain a well-balanced numerical scheme with order , we have to add to the numerical scheme the modifications proposed in Section 6.

6.2. The two-layer shallow-water system

We now consider the equations of a one-dimensional flow of two superposed inmiscible layers of shallow-water fluids studied in Reference 5:

In the equations, index 1 refers to the upper layer and index 2 to the lower one. We assume that the fluid occupies a straight channel with constant rectangular cross-section and constant width. The variable refers to the axis of the channel, is time, is gravity and is the depth function measured from a fixed level of reference. The constants and are the densities of each layer, where it is supposed that . Finally, and are, respectively, the thickness and the mass-flow of the th layer at the section of coordinate at time .

Problem Equation 6.6 can be written again under the form Equation 5.1 with , ,


where .

Also it can be put into the nonconservative form Equation 5.2 with

where and .

The stationary solutions of system Equation 6.6 are given by

where is the reduced gravity.

In Reference 28 Roe matrices for system Equation 6.6, based on the choice of paths as segments, were constructed. The resulting Roe scheme was proved to be well balanced with order 2 for general stationary solutions, and exactly well balanced for solutions representing water at rest or vacuum.

For the reconstruction process, a strategy similar to that in Section 6.1 is followed. Specifically, we reconstruct the elevations

instead of the thickness and . As a consequence, the resulting WENO-Roe scheme Equation 3.6 is exactly well balanced for solutions representing water at rest or vacuum, and well balanced with order (or if the modified WENO method is used) for general stationary solutions.

7. Numerical results

7.1. Verification of the -property

The objective of this section is to test the -property of the scheme Equation 3.6 stated in Section 6.1. We have considered two examples, corresponding to one-layer and two-layer shallow-water systems.

We first consider the one-layer system given by Equation 6.3. The depth function is given by an exponential perturbed with a random noise (see Figure 2); as initial conditions we have taken and , . The modified 3-WENO-Roe scheme has been applied with and CFL number . For time-stepping, an optimal three-step TVD Runge-Kutta method (Reference 19, Reference 33) has been considered.

As expected from Section 6.1, the numerical scheme Equation 3.6 preserves the steady state solution exactly up to machine accuracy. This fact can be observed in Table 1.

Next, we consider the two-layer shallow-water system Equation 6.6 with the same depth function as before, and initial conditions , , , ; the ratio of densities is . In Table 2 we show the results obtained with the modified 3-WENO-Roe method, with the same settings as in the previous example.

In both examples, similar results are obtained when the 3-WENO-Roe method is applied.

7.2. Well-balancing test: Steady subcritical flow

The purpose of this experiment is to verify numerically the well-balanced property of scheme Equation 3.6. We consider the shallow-water system Equation 6.3 with the depth function given by

and the initial condition corresponding to the steady subcritical flow with discharge . The solution is represented in Figure 3, and it can be computed analytically using Equation 6.4. This solution should be preserved.

In the experiment, we have taken CFL coefficient and WENO reconstructions with . The integral terms have been approximated by means of a Gaussian quadrature with three points. To advance in time, an optimal three-step TVD Runge-Kutta method has been applied.

Following Section 6.1, the 3-WENO-Roe scheme Equation 3.6 should be well balanced with order 3, and the modified 3-WENO-Roe scheme with order 5. The numerical results obtained with each scheme can be seen in Tables 3 and 4, respectively.

In this case, the negative weights appearing in the modified 3-WENO-Roe method do not cause any instability, so no special treatment has been applied to handle them.

7.3. Accuracy test

In order to verify numerically that the proposed schemes in this work are indeed high order accurate, here we consider a test problem with depth function

and initial conditions

in the domain , with periodic boundary conditions. The solution of this problem is smooth.

As the exact solution for this problem is not known, we use as a reference solution a numerical solution computed with the modified 3-WENO-Roe scheme with 25600 cells. In Tables 5 and 6, the errors obtained at time with the 3-WENO-Roe and the modified 3-WENO-Roe schemes, respectively, are shown. As can be observed, the schemes give the order of accuracy predicted by the theory.

Again, in this case, the negative weights appearing in the modified 3-WENO-Roe method do not cause any instability, so no special treatment has been applied to handle them.

7.4. Steady flow over a bump

The test problem analyzed in this section is the classical one of a steady flow over a bump in a rectangular channel with constant breadth Reference 37, Reference 38.

System Equation 6.3 is considered in the computational domain with depth function given by

and initial conditions , . With respect to the boundary conditions, a water thickness of is imposed downstream and a mass-flow of upstream. The solution of this problem consists of a steady transcritical flow with a smooth transition followed by a hydraulic jump.

We have considered space step and the same settings as in Section 7.2. The results obtained with the modified 3-WENO-Roe scheme at time , where the steady state has been reached, are shown in Figure 4.

We have also compared the solution obtained at time with the exact steady state solution of the problem (see Reference 20). In Table 7 the errors obtained with a different number of cells are shown.

Observe that, in this case, as the solution is not smooth, the high order convergence is not achieved. As in previous sections, no special treatment of negative weights is needed, as the modified WENO scheme has a good behavior.

7.5. Small perturbation of steady state water

In order to test the performances of our schemes on a rapidly varying flow over a smooth bed, we consider a problem proposed by LeVeque in Reference 26. Specifically, a steady state solution is perturbed by a pulse that splits into two waves propagating in opposite directions over a continuous bed. The left-going wave travels over a horizontal bottom while the right-going wave propagates over a bump.

System Equation 6.3 is considered on the computational domain . The depth function is given by

while the initial conditions are and

Here is the height of the perturbation that takes the values (big pulse; see Figure 5) or (small pulse). Outflow boundary conditions have been considered.

The computations have been performed with , CFL coefficient , WENO interpolation with and three-step TVD Runge-Kutta time integration. In this case, the use of the modified WENO procedure gives rise to incorrect results when the scheme is applied to the problem with small pulse, even if the technique of Shi et al. (Reference 32) is applied; see Figure 8. Thus, for the small pulse problem we only consider the 3-WENO-Roe method.

Remark 7.1.

Note that the numerical treatment of the source term is identical in both the 3-WENO-Roe and the modified 3-WENO-Roe schemes. As the first scheme works well for this problem, we think that the incorrect results produced by the modified scheme are due to the appearance of negative weights. Although negative weights are always present in the modified 3-WENO-Roe scheme, their influence in the problem with the small pulse seems to be stronger than in the big pulse case. The cause of this fact is currently under study.

The results obtained at time with the scheme Equation 3.6 are shown in Figures 6 and 7, for and , respectively. We have compared these solutions with that produced by the first order Roe method.

7.6. Well-balancing test for the two-layer system

In this section, we test the well-balanced property of scheme Equation 3.6 when it is applied to the two-layer shallow-water system introduced in Section 6.2. We consider the steady state solution Equation 6.7 with depth function

To compute the constants in Equation 6.7, we consider the initial data

The density ratio has been taken as . The solution is shown in Figure 9.

As in Section 7.2, we have applied both the 3-WENO-Roe and the modified 3-WENO-Roe methods, a three-step TVD Runge-Kutta method, and a Gaussian quadrature with three points. The CFL coefficient has been taken as . The results obtained with the 3-WENO-Roe method are shown in Tables 8 and 9, while those corresponding to the modified 3-WENO-Roe method are given in Tables 10 and 11. It can be seen that the schemes are well balanced with the predicted order.

Again, no special treatment of negative weights in the WENO procedure was needed.

In this case, the exact solution is not easy to compute because a nonlinear system of algebraic equations must be solved.

7.7. Internal dam break

We consider the two-layer shallow-water system in Section 6.2, with constant depth function and initial conditions given by

and (see Figure 10(a)).

In Figure 10(b), the results obtained at time with the 3-WENO-Roe method and the Roe method in nonconservative form (Reference 28) are shown. The interface of the solution consist in three constant states, with two jumps and two rarefaction waves between them. We have considered , CFL coefficient and density ratio . As commented in Section 6, in this case the modified 3-WENO-Roe method produces oscillations and instabilities, even if the technique of Reference 32 is applied, leading to a crash of the scheme at time . For this reason, we have considered only the 3-WENO-Roe method, so the accuracy reduces to third order. For time-stepping, we have again used a three-step TVD Runge-Kutta method.


Figure 1.

Approximation functions .

Graphic without alt text
Table 1.

Verification of the -property: one layer.

Precision error error
Table 2.

Verification of the -property: two layers.

Precision error error error error
Figure 2.

Stationary solution in test case 7.1 for the one-layer system. Elevation and bottom topography .

Graphic without alt text
Table 3.

Test case 7.2 solved with the 3-WENO-Roe method.

N. cells error order error order
Table 4.

Test case 7.2 solved with the modified 3-WENO-Roe method.

N. cells error order error order
Figure 3.

Stationary solution in test case 7.2. Elevation and bottom topography .

Graphic without alt text
Table 5.

Test case 7.3 solved with the 3-WENO-Roe method.

N. cells error order error order
Table 6.

Test case 7.3 solved with the modified 3-WENO-Roe method.

N. cells error order error order
Table 7.

Test case 7.4: comparison with respect to the exact solution.

N. cells error error
Figure 4.

Hydraulic jump over a bump. Comparison between the solution computed with the modified 3-WENO-Roe method and the exact solution, at time .

Figure 4(a)

Elevation and bottom .

Graphic without alt text
Figure 4(b)

Mass-flow .

Graphic without alt text
Figure 5.

Initial condition in LeVeque’s problem with .

Graphic without alt text
Figure 6.

LeVeque’s problem with big pulse . Comparison between the modified 3-WENO-Roe method and the Roe method at time .

Figure 6(a)

Elevation and bottom .

Graphic without alt text
Figure 6(b)

Mass-flow .

Graphic without alt text
Figure 7.

LeVeque’s problem with small pulse . Comparison between the 3-WENO-Roe method and the Roe method at time .

Figure 7(a)

Elevation .

Graphic without alt text
Figure 7(b)

Mass-flow .

Graphic without alt text
Figure 8.

LeVeque’s problem with small pulse . Comparison between the 3-WENO-Roe methods with and without modifications. Note that the modified 3-WENO-Roe method produces incorrect results

Figure 8(a)

Elevation .

Graphic without alt text
Figure 8(b)

Mass-flow .

Graphic without alt text
Figure 9.

Stationary solution in test case 7.6. Elevations , and bottom topography .

Graphic without alt text
Table 8.

Test case 7.6 solved with the 3-WENO-Roe method. and .

N. cells error order error order
Table 9.

Test case 7.6 solved with the 3-WENO-Roe method. and .

N. cells error order error order
Table 10.

Test case 7.6 solved with the modified 3-WENO-Roe method. and .

N. cells error order error order
Table 11.

Test case 7.6 solved with the modified 3-WENO-Roe method. and .

N. cells error order error order
Figure 10.

Internal dam break problem. Elevations , and bottom topography .

Figure 10(a)

Initial condition.

Graphic without alt text
Figure 10(b)

Mass-flow .

Graphic without alt text

Mathematical Fragments

Equation (1.1)
Equation (1.2)
Equation (2.1)
Equation (2.2)
Equation (2.3)
Definition 2.2.

Given a family of paths , a function is called a Roe linearization of system Equation 2.1 if it verifies the following properties:


For each , has distinct real eigenvalues.


, for every .


For any ,

Equation (2.6)
Equation (2.7)
Equations (2.8), (2.9)
Equation (2.10)
Equation (3.1)
Equation (3.2)
Equation (3.3)
Equation (3.4)
Equation (3.5)
Equation (3.6)
Equation (3.7)
Theorem 3.2.

Let us assume that is of class with bounded derivatives and is bounded. Let us also suppose that the -order reconstruction operator is such that, given a sequence defined by

for some smooth function , we have that

Then Equation 3.6 is an approximation of order at least to the system Equation 3.7 in the following sense:

for every smooth enough solution , being the associated reconstructions and the approximation functions corresponding to the sequence

Definition 4.1.

Let us consider a semi-discrete method for solving Equation 2.1:

where represent the vector of approximations to the cell averages of the exact solution, and the vector of initial data. Let be a curve of . The numerical method 4.1 is said to be exactly well balanced for if, given a regular stationary solution such that

the vector is a critical point for the system of differential equations in 4.1, i.e.,

Also, it is said to be well balanced with order if

Finally, the semi-discrete method 4.1 is said to be exactly well balanced or well balanced with order if these properties are satisfied for every curve of the set .

Definition 4.2.

A reconstruction operator based on smooth approximation functions is said to be exactly well balanced for a curve if, given a sequence in , the approximation functions satisfy

for every .

Theorem 4.3.

Let belong to . Let us suppose that both the generalized Roe method and the reconstruction operator chosen are exactly well balanced for . Then the numerical scheme Equation 3.6 is also exactly well balanced for .

Theorem 4.4.

Under the hypotheses of Theorem 3.2, the scheme Equation 3.6 is well balanced with order at least .

Equation (5.1)
Equation (5.2)
Remark 5.1.

Note that, in this case, the set defined in the previous section is simply the set of all the integral curves of the linearly degenerate field, as the corresponding eigenvalues always take the value 0. Let us illustrate in this case the relation between these integral curves and the stationary solutions. Let be an integral curve of the linearly degenerate field and let us suppose that it can be described implicitly by a system of equations:

As is a known function, for every , 5.3 is a system of equations with unknowns . The stationary solutions associated to the curve are obtained by searching solutions of system 5.3 which depend smoothly on .

Equation (5.4)
Equation (5.5)
Remark 5.2.

In this context, the meaning of the well-balanced property of the reconstruction operator can be understood as follows: let us suppose, as in Remark 5.1, that an integral curve of the linearly degenerate field can be described by a system of equations Equation 5.3. Let us suppose that is a stationary solution such that for all , i.e.,

If we now apply a well-balanced reconstruction operator to the sequence , then the approximation functions have to satisfy

Equation (6.1)
Equation (6.2)
Equation (6.3)
Equation (6.4)
Equation (6.5)
Equation (6.6)
Equation (6.7)


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Article Information

MSC 2000
Primary: 65M06 (Finite difference methods), 35L65 (Conservation laws)
Secondary: 76M12 (Finite volume methods), 76B15 (Water waves, gravity waves; dispersion and scattering, nonlinear interaction)
  • Hyperbolic systems
  • nonconservative products
  • well-balanced schemes
  • Roe methods
  • high order schemes
  • weighted ENO
  • shallow-water systems
Author Information
Manuel Castro
Departamento de Análisis Matemático, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Málaga, 29071-Málaga, Spain
José M. Gallardo
Departamento de Análisis Matemático, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Málaga, 29071-Málaga, Spain
Carlos Parés
Departamento de Análisis Matemático, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Málaga, 29071-Málaga, Spain
Additional Notes

This research has been partially supported by the Spanish Government Research project BFM2003-07530-C02-02.

Journal Information
Mathematics of Computation, Volume 75, Issue 255, ISSN 1088-6842, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2006 American Mathematical Society; reverts to public domain 28 years from publication
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/S0025-5718-06-01851-5
  • MathSciNet Review: 2219021
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{2219021}{article}{ author={Castro, Manuel}, author={Gallardo, Jos\'e}, author={Par\'es, Carlos}, title={High order finite volume schemes based on reconstruction of states for solving hyperbolic systems with nonconservative products. Applications to shallow-water systems}, journal={Math. Comp.}, volume={75}, number={255}, date={2006-07}, pages={1103-1134}, issn={0025-5718}, review={2219021}, doi={10.1090/S0025-5718-06-01851-5}, }


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