Contents of Volume 80, Number 275
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- Numerical analysis of a finite element method to compute the vibration modes of a Reissner-Mindlin laminated plate
- Ricardo G. Durán, Rodolfo Rodríguez and Frank Sanhueza;
- Math. Comp. 80 (2011), 1239-1264
- DOI:
- Published electronically: February 7, 2011
- A priori and a posteriori analysis of the quasinonlocal quasicontinuum method in 1D
- Christoph Ortner;
- Math. Comp. 80 (2011), 1265-1285
- DOI:
- Published electronically: December 31, 2010
- Acceleration of a two-grid method for eigenvalue problems
- Xiaozhe Hu and Xiaoliang Cheng;
- Math. Comp. 80 (2011), 1287-1301
- DOI:
- Published electronically: February 18, 2011
- Discontinuous finite element methods for a bi-wave equation modeling $d$-wave superconductors
- Xiaobing Feng and Michael Neilan;
- Math. Comp. 80 (2011), 1303-1333
- DOI:
- Published electronically: December 7, 2010
- Discontinuous Galerkin error estimation for linear symmetrizable hyperbolic systems
- Slimane Adjerid and Thomas Weinhart;
- Math. Comp. 80 (2011), 1335-1367
- DOI:
- Published electronically: January 25, 2011
- Finite difference/spectral approximations for the fractional cable equation
- Yumin Lin, Xianjuan Li and Chuanju Xu;
- Math. Comp. 80 (2011), 1369-1396
- DOI:
- Published electronically: December 2, 2010
- A pseudospectral quadrature method for Navier-Stokes equations on rotating spheres
- M. Ganesh, Q. T. Le Gia and I. H. Sloan;
- Math. Comp. 80 (2011), 1397-1430
- DOI:
- Published electronically: November 29, 2010
- Accelerated finite difference schemes for second order degenerate elliptic and parabolic problems in the whole space
- István Gyöngy and Nicolai Krylov;
- Math. Comp. 80 (2011), 1431-1458
- DOI:
- Published electronically: March 3, 2011
- Convergence of a mixed method for a semi-stationary compressible Stokes system
- Kenneth H. Karlsen and Trygve K. Karper;
- Math. Comp. 80 (2011), 1459-1498
- DOI:
- Published electronically: December 6, 2010
- Divergence-free wavelet bases on the hypercube: Free-slip boundary conditions, and applications for solving the instationary Stokes equations
- Rob Stevenson;
- Math. Comp. 80 (2011), 1499-1523
- DOI:
- Published electronically: February 28, 2011
- Riesz bases of wavelets and applications to numerical solutions of elliptic equations
- Rong-Qing Jia and Wei Zhao;
- Math. Comp. 80 (2011), 1525-1556
- DOI:
- Published electronically: January 14, 2011
- A generalization of the Wiener rational basis functions on infinite intervals: Part I–derivation and properties
- Akil C. Narayan and Jan S. Hesthaven;
- Math. Comp. 80 (2011), 1557-1583
- DOI:
- Published electronically: December 16, 2010
- Differentiation of matrix functionals using triangular factorization
- F. R. de Hoog, R. S. Anderssen and M. A. Lukas;
- Math. Comp. 80 (2011), 1585-1600
- DOI:
- Published electronically: January 6, 2011
- Least-squares approximation by elements from matrix orbits achieved by gradient flows on compact lie groups
- Chi-Kwong Li, Yiu-Tung Poon and Thomas Schulte-Herbrüggen;
- Math. Comp. 80 (2011), 1601-1621
- DOI:
- Published electronically: December 13, 2010
- Geometric weakly admissible meshes, discrete least squares approximations and approximate Fekete points
- L. Bos, J.-P. Calvi, N. Levenberg, A. Sommariva and M. Vianello;
- Math. Comp. 80 (2011), 1623-1638
- DOI:
- Published electronically: January 19, 2011
- A class of polynomial volumetric barrier decomposition algorithms for stochastic semidefinite programming
- K. A. Ariyawansa and Yuntao Zhu;
- Math. Comp. 80 (2011), 1639-1661
- DOI:
- Published electronically: December 16, 2010
- Asymptotic expansions of Legendre series coefficients for functions with interior and endpoint singularities
- Avram Sidi;
- Math. Comp. 80 (2011), 1663-1684
- DOI:
- Published electronically: December 30, 2010
- Positive trigonometric quadrature formulas and quadrature on the unit circle
- \fbox{Franz } Peherstorfer;
- Math. Comp. 80 (2011), 1685-1701
- DOI:
- Published electronically: March 3, 2011
- Circumscribed ellipsoid algorithm for fixed-point problems
- C. Boonyasiriwat, K. Sikorski and C. Tsay;
- Math. Comp. 80 (2011), 1703-1723
- DOI:
- Published electronically: November 30, 2010
- Precise and fast computation of the general complete elliptic integral of the second kind
- Toshio Fukushima;
- Math. Comp. 80 (2011), 1725-1743
- DOI:
- Published electronically: February 1, 2011
- Computing the Hilbert transform and its inverse
- Sheehan Olver;
- Math. Comp. 80 (2011), 1745-1767
- DOI:
- Published electronically: February 25, 2011
- Asymptotic distributions of the zeros of certain classes of hypergeometric functions and polynomials
- H. M. Srivastava, Jian-Rong Zhou and Zhi-Gang Wang;
- Math. Comp. 80 (2011), 1769-1784
- DOI:
- Published electronically: February 11, 2011
- An amortized-complexity method to compute the Riemann zeta function
- Ghaith A. Hiary;
- Math. Comp. 80 (2011), 1785-1796
- DOI:
- Published electronically: January 25, 2011
- On taking square roots without quadratic nonresidues over finite fields
- Tsz-Wo Sze; \\ with an Appendix by Lawrence C. Washington
- Math. Comp. 80 (2011), 1797-1811
- DOI:
- Published electronically: January 3, 2011
- Upper bounds for residues of Dedekind zeta functions and class numbers of cubic and quartic number fields
- Stéphane R. Louboutin;
- Math. Comp. 80 (2011), 1813-1822
- DOI:
- Published electronically: January 25, 2011
- Fast evaluation of modular functions using Newton iterations and the AGM
- Régis Dupont;
- Math. Comp. 80 (2011), 1823-1847
- DOI:
- Published electronically: March 4, 2011
- On the integers of the form $p^2+b^2+2^n$ and $b_1^2+b_2^2+2^{n^2}$
- Hao Pan and Wei Zhang;
- Math. Comp. 80 (2011), 1849-1864
- DOI:
- Published electronically: February 25, 2011
- Table errata 2 to “Factors of generalized Fermat numbers”
- Anders Björn and Hans Riesel;
- Math. Comp. 80 (2011), 1865-1866
- DOI:
- Published electronically: April 23, 2010
Book Reviews
Book reviews do not contain an abstract. You may
download each review in this issue using the links
- Fast multipole boundary element method, by Yijun Liu.
- Reviewer: I. P. Gavrilyuk
- Review information PDF
- Math. Comp. 80 (2011), 1867-1869