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Current Issue

Welcome to the current issue of the Notices of the American Mathematical Society. With support from AMS membership, we are pleased to share the journal with the global mathematical community.

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Curve-Counting and Mirror Symmetry

Emily Clader

Curve-counting is a subject that dates back hundreds, even thousands, of years. Broadly speaking, its goal is to answer questions about the number of curves in some ambient space that satisfy prescribed conditions.
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Equiangular Lines and Eigenvalue Multiplicities

Yufei Zhao

As we embark on our exploration of equiangular lines, we will see a beautiful link to spectral graph theory. A surprising revelation regarding eigenvalue multiplicities emerges, and it plays a pivotal role in cracking the geometric arrangement problem.
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Rate-Based Synaptic Plasticity Rules

Lawrence Udeigwe

A rate-based plasticity model defines the synaptic strength change as a function of the presynaptic and postsynaptic firing rates. This article explores rate-based synaptic plasticity models and discusses related emergent research questions.
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