AMS Updates
Registration Opens for Fall Sectional Meetings
Registration is open for AMS Fall Sectional Meetings at www.ams.org/meetings/sectional/sectional-index.
Not a member yet? Become a member today and save on your 2023 Fall Sectional registration: See www.ams.org/membership.
Join or renew* at a discounted rate! Introductory membership applies to the first two consecutive years of membership in any category other than Nominee, Student and Graduate Student, or Affiliate.
*New in 2023! You can renew as an Introductory member if you haven’t paid dues or received a nominee membership in five or more consecutive calendar years.
—AMS Membership
Graduate Students Welcome US Congressman
A unicorn of sorts addressed the eighth annual AMS Graduate Student Chapter luncheon at the 2023 JMM in Boston in January.
Congressman Jerry McNerney, just two days retired after 16 years in the US House of Representatives, spoke with the students about the importance of advocating for science funding for mathematics.
Before he retired on January 3, McNerney was the only PhD mathematician in the US Congress. Now there are none.
“It’s good to be out there advocating,” said McNerney, who represented California’s Ninth District as a Democrat. Government funding is essential for conducting research and creating knowledge, yet science funding is a very small part of the fiscal appropriation from Congress, he said: “You don’t make headlines by advocating for science.”
Read more at https://www.ams.org/news?news_id=7147.
—Elaine Beebe, AMS Communications
Gilmer Archives Added to Library of Congress
Gloria Ford Gilmer (1928–2021) became the first Black woman mathematician to have her archives added to the Library of Congress, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported at https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/education/2023/01/10/library-of-congress-collects-papers-of-milwaukee-mathematician/69775125007/.
Dr. Gilmer and Dr. William S. Claytor are the namesakes of the AMS Claytor-Gilmer Fellowship (see https://www.ams.org/programs/ams-fellowships/claytor-gilmer).
Gilmer, a researcher, educator, and leader in the mathematical community, was the first African American woman to publish mathematics research articles in peer-reviewed journals. She was the first Black woman on the board of governors of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), and was renowned for her work in ethnomathematics.
Historians of science and technology at the Library of Congress’ Manuscript Division worked with the Gilmer family to assemble 64 boxes of Gilmer’s papers, files, and photographs. They will be added to the Library’s collections as part of its effort to archive more underrepresented mathematicians, scientists, and technology professionals.
—Nancy Hoffman, AMS Communications
Winners of Math Poetry Contest Announced
Three winners of the 2023 AMS Math Poetry Contest have been announced, one in each age group: infinity, River Oxenreider, Ohio State University, Reynoldsburg, OH (college student entry); Sum of Us, Angela Zhou, International Academy East, Troy, MI (high-school student entry); and Forest of Numbers, Miranda Jedlinski, Arthur and Polly Mays Conservatory for the Arts, Cutler Bay, FL (middle-school student entry).
2023 Math Poetry Contest Honorable Mentions
College Entrants
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Rye Ledford, University of Missouri - Kansas City, Kansas City, MO
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Ramie Thompson, Wofford College, Mount Pleasant, SC
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Lena Zhang, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
High-School Entrants
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Melanie Acosta, Arthur and Polly Mays Conservatory for the Arts, Homestead, FL
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Kara Lee, Stanford Online High School, San Ramon, CA
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Marina Matson, Brookfield Academy, Racine, WI
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Heer Patel, Maggie L. Walker Governors’ School, Glen Allen, VA
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Gabrielle Tong, Milpitas High School, Milpitas, CA
Middle-School Entrants
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Derek Aoki, Bullis Charter School, Los Altos, CA
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Jayce Brown, Edmonds Heights, Lake Forest Park, WA
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Gregory Estrin, Lang Ranch Elementary, Thousand Oaks, CA
—AMS Programs
PEPs Provide Professional Development at 2023 JMM
At JMM 2023, Professional Enhancement Programs (PEPs) provided professional development on a number of mathematical topic areas, from pedagogy to programming to artistic perspective.
The eight PEPs drew 136 participants, who registered in advance and paid a small fee to enroll.
I sat in on three PEPs to see learning in action. Read more at https://www.ams.org/news?news_id=7156.
—Elaine Beebe, AMS Communications
Seeking Performers for Mathematical Variety Show
Seeking performers for a one-of-a-kind mathematical variety show! The show is associated with the Joint Math Meetings in San Francisco on the evening of January 5, 2024. The show features math and comedy, mime, magic, dance, music…and YOU! Applications are now open: https://gatech.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0CBSaEL0HxZc8xo. Contact: margalit@math.gatech.edu.
Deaths of AMS Members
Marta C. Bunge, of Canada, died on October 25, 2022. Born on October 1, 1938, she was a member of the Society for 54 years.
William Cohn, of Huntington Woods, Michigan, died on July 8, 2022. Born in 1952, he was a member of the Society for 1 year.
Joanne Elliott, of Princeton, New Jersey, died on March 5, 2023. Born on December 5, 1925, she was a member of the Society for 73 years.
Wendell H. Fleming, of Providence, Rhode Island, died on February 18, 2023. Born on March 7, 1928, he was a member of the Society for 73 years.
Klaus Pommerening, of Germany, died on February 25, 2023. Born on August 26, 1946, he was a member of the Society for 33 years.
Jeffrey B. Remmel, of La Jolla, California, died on September 29, 2017. Born on October 12, 1948, he was a member of the Society for 45 years.