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AMS Updates

MathSciNet Update Improves Search Tools, Design, Accessibility Features

On June 18, the American Mathematical Society will launch the new MathSciNet interface. The AMS has updated MathSciNet’s features and layout consistently since its release in 1996, but the foundational search structure remained mostly the same. The new interface improves MathSciNet’s design, search tools, and accessibility features.

Notably, the interface has shifted to a simpler design, replacing the stacked search fields of the past with a cleaner, more intuitive single field. Accessibility features include improved clarity through fonts and contrast, as well as better screen reader compatibility. And the entire update has been designed with mobile in mind; MathSciNet now works better than ever with mobile devices. The update also includes improved filtering and refining processes, making it easier than ever to find what you’re looking for on MathSciNet.

The new interface will launch on June 18 at

Deaths of AMS Members

J. R. Barreca, of Canada, died on March 8, 2023. Born on May 30, 1955, he was a member of the Society for 44 years.

Howard Lee Dachslager, of Indianapolis, Indiana, died on March 30, 2023. Born on May 1, 1932, he was a member of the Society for 20 years.

Heinz Dietrich Doebner, of Germany, died on October 4, 2022. Born on May 11, 1931, he was a member of the Society for 21 years.

Elinor Evenchick Berger, of New York, New York, died on June 5, 2021. Born on October 25, 1942, she was a member of the Society for 58 years.

Christopher K. King, of Boston, Massachusetts, died on March 15, 2023. Born on January 11, 1959, he was a member of the Society for 35 years.

Julius Korbas, of Slovakia, died on August 21, 2022. Born on March 22, 1955, he was a member of the Society for 31 years.

Robert E. O’Malley, Jr., of Seattle, Washington, died on December 31, 2020. Born on May 23, 1939, he was a member of the Society for 59 years.

Terence J. Reed, of Greensboro, North Carolina, died on July 26, 2021. Born on May 24, 1935, he was a member of the Society for 62 years.

C. Rousseau, of Memphis, Tennessee, died on April 10, 2020. Born on January 13, 1938, he was a member of the Society for 49 years.

Bertram M. Schreiber, of Detroit, Michigan, died on August 12, 2019. Born on November 4, 1940, he was a member of the Society for 54 years.

Monty J. Strauss, of Plano, Texas, died on September 9, 2022. Born on August 26, 1945, he was a member of the Society for 56 years.

Robert Tubbs, of Boulder, Colorado, died on April 11, 2023. Born on January 29, 1954, he was a member of the Society for 46 years.

Lieven Vanhecke, of Belgium, died on March 11, 2023. Born on May 26, 1939, he was a member of the Society for 50 years.