Shape Optimization for Covering Problems
Communicated by Notices Associate Editor Reza Malek-Madani
In his 1915 pioneering paper Nev15, Neville describes a game played at fairs where a large disk is painted on a cloth and five smaller, identical circular disks of thin metal are available. An award is offered to the person who is able to completely cover the large disk with the small disks. Neville then proceeds to show that the problem can be modeled by a system of nonlinear equations, and discusses a numerical method for an approximation of the solution. He also provides a figure for the covering of a large disk with five small disks that looks identical to the solution obtained with our algorithm shown in Figure 1. Many other works followed that dealt with the problem of covering a disk with smaller disks of minimum radius or a convex body with smaller homothetic copies. In general, planar geometry techniques are used in these works to, given a fixed and small number of disks, find the optimal radius or a bound for the optimal radius. See, for example, Kro93 and the references therein.
Nowadays, this type of problem is called a covering problem. The covering of the whole space with minimally overlapping identical balls has often been investigated in parallel to the problem of packing nonoverlapping spheres with the highest possible density -dimensionalCS99. It is well-known that the optimal covering of the plane is achieved by the hexagonal lattice, which realizes the thinnest covering, i.e., the plane covering with the least possible density of disk intersection; see Figure 2.
The covering of a bounded set with overlapping identical balls minimizing the number of balls with a fixed radius, or minimizing their radius with a fixed number of balls, as in Figure 3 in two dimensions, also represents a challenging question with a wide variety of practical applications, ranging from the configuration of a gamma ray machine radiotherapy equipment unit LMZ09 to the placement of base stations DDNS06. Compared to the problem of covering the whole space, in which case the solution is a lattice, covering a bounded set naturally yields a less regular solution, as the covering depends on the shape of the covered set. Numerical investigations hence play an important role in studying such problems. The covering of specific shapes such as squares, rectangles, disks, triangles, and polygons with a fixed number of small disks has naturally been the focus of various papers on this topic; see for instance HM97.
Shape optimization approach
Even though various numerical methods have been introduced to solve the covering problem, the natural approach of considering the shape of the union of balls as the optimization variable has been generally overlooked, except in a few specific cases, see for instance HLE03. In this framework, the tools of shape optimization and shape calculus are employed to investigate the sensitivity with respect to variations of the union of balls, as the balls’ centers or radii are perturbed.
Shape optimization is the study of optimization problems where the variable is a geometric object, such as a subset of or a manifold; see SZ92. The shape sensitivity analysis is usually performed using strong regularity conditions on the geometry, in order to parameterize the perturbation of the geometry to compute derivatives. For instance, one often works with sets of class with i.e., sets whose boundary can be locally represented by a function of class , Still, many relevant shape optimization problems depend on mildly nonsmooth shapes such as curvilinear polygons, which means that their boundary is a union of smooth curves and it can have vertices. The covering of a set . may be naturally formulated as a nonsmooth shape optimization problem, since may be nonsmooth, and the union of balls covering can be seen, except for degenerate cases, as a curvilinear polygon, as shown in Figure 4.
The shape optimization viewpoint on the covering problems opens up new perspectives as the tools of shape calculus become available, which allows us to numerically handle the case of a large number of balls. We describe now the approach that we have developed in BLMS21 and BLMS22. We focus here on a description in two dimensions for the sake of simplicity, but we emphasize that the theoretical part of the shape optimization approach is relatively independent of the dimension. Let be an open bounded subset of and where , and is an open disk with center and radius We consider the problem of covering . using a fixed number
The function
Note that the formulas for the partial derivatives of
In order to prove these results, the main task is to build a transformation
In BLMS22 we have also computed the second-order partial derivatives
Numerical methods and illustrations
In BLMS21, non-polygonal sets
It should also be noted that the discrete calculation of
In BLMS22, using shape calculus techniques, we obtained the formulas of the second-order partial derivatives of
So far we have not mentioned how the optimization problems were solved. Problem 1 is a nonlinear programming problem with a single hard-to-compute constraint. The familiar tool for solving problems of this type is the augmented Lagrangian method; see BM14. In particular, we used Algencan ABMS07 which is the implementation of an augmented Lagrangian method with safeguards. Very roughly speaking, an augmented Lagrangian method solves a sequence of subproblems in which the violation of shifted constraints is penalized. In the specific case of the augmented Lagrangian method implemented by Algencan, bound constraints are not penalized and remain in the subproblems. However, since problem 1 has no bound constraints, the subproblems that Algencan solves are unconstrained. In Algencan, leaving aside other issues such as availability of a linear system solver and subproblem size, when the subproblems are unconstrained and second derivatives of the functions defining the problem are available, the subproblems are solved with a globally convergent line search Newton’s method. For this reason we can say that the work developed in BLMS22 is an application of a shape-Newton method in a genuinely nonsmooth setting, a notable fact since Newton’s method is rarely used in shape optimization, even in smooth settings.
It should also be emphasized that we are actually seeking a global solution of problem 1. There are no practical deterministic global optimization methods that are capable of dealing with problem 1. Thus, the stochastic options remain and, among them, the most natural is to use a multistart approach. This is precisely what we did in BLMS21 and BLMS22, using randomly generated starting points. In BGL, based on hexagonal lattices, we developed a way to generate better than random starting points. With that, we managed to improve all the solutions reported in BLMS22 using fewer initial points and, consequently, with lower computational cost.
Asymptotic analysis of the optimal radius
Following the numerical approximation of solutions of covering problems of bounded set, a theoretical question that naturally arises is the asymptotic behavior and bounds on the optimal radius, solution of problem 1, as the number of disks grows to infinity. The possibility of running numerical experiments with large
Kershner Ker39 pioneered the topic in 1939, providing an asymptotic result on the smallest number of disks of fixed radius that are necessary to cover an arbitrary region of the plane, a result that was improved ten years later by Verblunksy Ver49.
We have investigated a similar question recently in BGL for the covering of a general class of sets. Using honeycombs, defined as unions of
with the following asymptotic expansions, as
We also observed in all our numerical experiments that the lower bound
Minimizing eigenvalues with respect to a union of disks
So far we have discussed several features of the covering of a bounded set with a union of
In particular, the optimization of Laplacian eigenvalues is a popular topic in mathematics as these problems are often simple and elegant to formulate, but are also challenging and require deep mathematical tools from a large spectrum of disciplines such as partial differential equations, spectral theory, and differential geometry. The celebrated Rayleigh–Faber–Krahn inequality, conjectured by Lord Rayleigh in the 19th century and proved several decades later by Faber and Krahn, states that the ball minimizes the first Dirichlet eigenvalue under a volume constraint. Since then, many shape optimization problems of this nature have been considered, such as the minimization of the
The corresponding eigenfunction
and we impose the normalization condition
The minimizers of problem 9 produce an interesting geometrical configuration of the centers
In BFHL23 we have developed an algorithm to find approximate solutions of problem 9. The approach is similar to the method described in the previous sections for the covering problem. Here we can also compute the derivative of the eigenvalue
Figure 8 shows the results obtained by our algorithm for
As in the covering problem, the asymptotic behavior of
Conclusions and future research
Shape calculus and optimization are a powerful set of techniques for the sensitivity analysis of functions depending on the geometry. There exists an extensive literature in the smooth setting, but shape calculus still requires an active development in the nonsmooth case. Nonsmooth shape optimization has a variety of relevant applications such as the modeling of evolving nonsmooth sets and the optimization of complex geometries such as the union and intersection of moving components, curvilinear polygons, tessellations, generalized Voronoi diagrams and minimization diagrams BLM23. Applied to covering problems, it provided a new perspective on the problem and allowed us to design efficient numerical methods. Here we have presented results with a union of balls of identical radius, but the shape optimization approach is versatile and union/intersection of sets of various shapes can be treated in a similar way, also in dimension greater than two.
Of particular interest is nonsmooth shape optimization involving partial differential equations, as irregular geometries appear naturally in applications. Both theoretical and numerical challenges arise in this context, one of the main issues being the singularities that appear in the corners of the domain, which need to be carefully studied and handled numerically. The eigenvalue problem presented in this notice represents a first step in this direction, and other nonsmooth shape optimization problems involving partial differential equations will be investigated in the near future.
This work has been partially supported by FAPESP (grants 2013/07375-0, 2018/24293-0, and 2022/05803-3) and CNPq (grants 302073/2022-1, 303243/2021-0, 304258/2018-0, and 408175/2018-4). Antoine Laurain also acknowledges the support, since May 2023, of the Collaborating Researcher Program of the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of São Paulo.
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All figures, including the opening image, are courtesy of the authors.
Photo of Ernesto G. Birgin is courtesy of Bruno Datan.
Photo of Antoine Laurain is courtesy of Rosana Miliorini Souza Laurain.