Mathematics People
Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) Awardees
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Yunqing Tang, assistant professor at UC Berkeley, received the 2024 AWM Microsoft Research Prize in Algebra and Number Theory. Tang was recognized for her breakthrough work in arithmetic geometry, including results on the Grothendieck-Katz conjecture, a conjecture of Ogus on algebraicity of cycles, arithmetic intersection theory, and the unbounded denominators conjecture of Atkin and Swinnerton-Dyer. -curvature
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Cristina Villalobos, Myles and Sylvia Aaronson Endowed Professor, School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV), received the 2024 M. Gweneth Humphreys Award for exceptional success in mentoring and its subsequent impact on the mathematical profession as a whole.
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Trena Wilkerson, professor and interim chair in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction in the School of Education at Baylor University, received the 2024 Louise Hay Award for Contributions to Mathematics Education. Wilkerson was honored for her leadership at the national, state, and local levels in mathematics education, her transformational teaching and mentorship, and her global initiatives and programs.
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Robin Neumayer, Assistant Professor at Carnegie Mellon University, received the 2024 AWM Sadosky Research Prize in Analysis for outstanding contributions to calculus of variations, partial differential equations, and geometric analysis.
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Zoë Batterman, a senior mathematics and statistics major at Pomona College and Arianna Meenakshi McNamara, a senior mathematics and physics major at Purdue University received the 2024 Alice T. Schafer Prize for Excellence in Mathematics. Mattie Ji, a senior at Brown University majoring in mathematics-computer science and applied mathematics was named runner-up.
—Association for Women in Mathematics
Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) Names 2024 AWM Fellows
Erika Tatiana Camacho, University of Texas at San Antonio, for leadership advancing, mentoring, and supporting women and underrepresented groups at all levels through the creation of opportunities, collaborative research, and impactful service. Her work brings sustained systemic change, diversity, equity, and inclusion in mathematics, and more broadly in STEM.
Ellen Eischen, University of Oregon, for outstanding leadership in support of women in mathematics; for sustained efforts to create new research opportunities for women at conferences, including at APAW, AWM, WIN, and MSRI/SLMath; and for her innovative approach to creating diverse communities in math with an AWM reading room and math art exhibits.
Kathryn Hess Bellwald, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, for support of women in mathematics via innovative and impactful programs, including her role in founding and sustaining the Women in Topology program; for exceptional mentoring; and for a commitment to gender diversity throughout her many leadership roles in the mathematics profession.
Michael Hill, University of California, Los Angeles, for being a consistent and vocal ally for women and nonbinary researchers; for his commitment to inclusion as part of the founding board of Spectra (the association for LGBTQ+ mathematicians); for being a founding editor of La Matematica and for ongoing service to the AWM Mentor Network, and for working to make mathematics a welcoming and joyful place for all of us.
Christine Kelley, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, for initiating and continuing impactful efforts to encourage young women to pursue mathematics, including her instrumental leadership within the Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics, and for her long record of mentoring, advising, and supervising women in mathematics.
Matilde Lalin, Université de Montréal, for ongoing contributions to the AWM, most notably her leadership role in the Women in Numbers Network and considerable contributions to its growth; service to the International Mathematics Union Committee for Women; and for ardent efforts toward making conferences more welcoming and accessible for researchers by actively advocating for childcare resources.
Emille Davie Lawrence, Black Achievement Success & Engagement, University of San Francisco, for her commitment to sharing her love of mathematics with girls, women, and underrepresented groups; for creating the blog “Math Mamas” and editing the book Living Proof, whose goal is “to provide support and inspiration for mathematics students experiencing struggle and despair,” and for extensive service to AWM, especially during its 50th Anniversary celebration.
Katharine A. Ott, Bates College, for immense dedication to outreach to girls and women, including directing GirlsGetMath at ICERM; supporting AWM through committees, grant-writing, the newsletter, and AWM’s USA Science and Engineering Festival booth; and leading award-winning tutoring and volunteering initiatives in Maine.
Margaret Maher Robinson, Mount Holyoke College, for support and empowerment of several generations of women in mathematics; for mentoring within the Hudson River Undergraduate Mathematics Conference and the Carleton Summer Math Program; and for seeing the spark in each individual under her guidance and supporting them in the fulfillment of rewarding careers in mathematics.
Karen Saxe, Macalester College, American Mathematical Society, for longstanding efforts with professional societies advocating for policies—notably at the federal level—to reduce barriers and further support women and others who have had limited access to STEM careers; for mentoring women at all career stages; and for program-building to recruit and retain women in the math research ecosystem.
Christina Sormani, Lehman College and CUNY Graduate Center, for utilizing every opportunity to open pathways to mathematics for more women and students by creating and maintaining online access to advice, mathematical resources, and information about women mathematicians; for organizing the “Inspiring Talks by Mathematicians” lecture series featuring underrepresented speakers, and for her dedicated and active contributions to the AWM.
Suzanne L. Weekes, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, for consistent and outstanding support for broadening the participation of women and girls as well as others who are underrepresented in mathematics; for award-winning teaching and mentoring; and for vision and success in co-creating and co-directing innovative programs that have improved and diversified the mathematics community.
—Association for Women in Mathematics
De Simoi Awarded Michael Brin Prize in Dynamical Systems
Jacopo De Simoi, University of Toronto, received the Michael Brin Prize in Dynamical Systems for fundamental contributions to the study of Fermi acceleration, of marked length spectrum rigidity for integrable and dispersing billiards, and entropy rigidity for conservative Anosov flows in dimension 3.
—Selection committee of the Michael Brin Prize in
Dynamical Systems
Ding Wins Loève Prize
Jian Ding received the 2023 Liné and Michel Loève International Prize in Probability (Loève Prize). In 2011, Ding earned his PhD from the Department of Statistics, University of California, Berkeley, focusing on probability theory. He currently serves as chair professor with the School of Mathematical Sciences at Peking University in Beijing. His research area is probability theory, focusing on interactions with statistical physics and computer science theory. In particular, his recent research topics include random constraint satisfaction problems, random planar geometry, Anderson localization, and disordered spin models.
—Department of Statistics, University of California,
Pronk Receives 2023 Graham Wright Award
Dorette Pronk, Dalhousie University, received the 2023 Graham Wright Award for Distinguished Service from the Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS). According to a CMS news release, Pronk has made consistent and significant contributions to the Canadian mathematical community and to the Canadian Mathematical Society. She has served as the Chair of the Math Competitions Committee since 2016, as Chair of the IMO Committee from 2014–2015, and as Chair of the EGMO committee since 2018. Additionally, she has represented Canada many times as leader and deputy leader of Math Team Canada, at the International Math Olympiad, the European Girls Math Olympiad and the Pan American Girls Math Olympiad. In 2018, she was instrumental in securing Canada’s first participation in the European Girls Math Olympiad. She has also served as member of the Women in Math Committee and was part of the team organizing the first Connecting Women in Math Across Canada workshop.
—The Canadian Mathematical Society