2025 Election
Nominations by Petition
Vice President or Member at Large
One position of vice president and member of the Council ex officio for a term of three years is to be filled in the election of 2025. The Council intends to nominate at least two candidates, among whom may be candidates nominated by petition as described in the rules and procedures below.
Five positions of member at large of the Council for a term of three years are to be filled in the same election. The Council intends to nominate at least ten candidates, among whom may be candidates nominated by petition in the manner described in the rules and procedures below.
Petitions are presented to the Council, which, according to Section 2 of Article VII of the bylaws, makes the nominations.
Prior to presentation to the Council, petitions in support of a candidate for the position of vice president or of member at large of the Council must have at least fifty valid signatures and must conform to several rules and procedures, which are described below. Petitioners can facilitate the procedure by accompanying the petitions with a signed statement from the candidate giving consent.
Editorial Boards Committee
Two places on the Editorial Boards Committee will be filled by election. There will be four continuing members of the Editorial Boards Committee.
The president will name at least four candidates for these two places, among whom may be candidates nominated by petition in the manner described in the rules and procedures.
The candidate’s assent and petitions bearing at least 100 valid signatures are required for a name to be placed on the ballot. In addition, several other rules and procedures, described below, should be followed.
Nominating Committee
Three places on the Nominating Committee will be filled by election. There will be six continuing members of the Nominating Committee.
The president will name at least six candidates for these three places, among whom may be candidates nominated by petition in the manner described in the rules and procedures.
The candidate’s assent and petitions bearing at least 100 valid signatures are required for a name to be placed on the ballot. In addition, several other rules and procedures, described below, should be followed.
Rules and Procedures
Use separate copies of the form for each candidate for vice president, member at large, or member of the Nominating or Editorial Boards Committees.
- 1.
To be considered, petitions must be addressed to Secretary, American Mathematical Society, 201 Charles Street, Providence, RI 02904-2213, USA, and must arrive by 24 February 2025.
- 2.
The name of the candidate must be given as it appears in the American Mathematical Society’s membership records and must be accompanied by the member code. If the member code is not known by the candidate, it may be obtained by the candidate contacting the AMS headquarters in Providence (amsmem@ams.org).
- 3.
The petition for a single candidate may consist of several sheets each bearing the statement of the petition, including the name of the position, and signatures. The name of the candidate must be exactly the same on all sheets.
- 4.
On the next page is a sample form for petitions. Petitioners may make and use photocopies or reasonable facsimiles.
- 5.
A signature is valid when it is clearly that of the member whose name and address is given in the left-hand column.
- 6.
When a petition meeting these various requirements appears, the secretary will ask the candidate to indicate willingness to be included on the ballot.