Rational Approximation
Communicated by Notices Associate Editor Reza Malek-Madani
Rational approximation is an old subject, but it has gone through a transformation in recent years with the appearance of a new algorithm that makes computing rational approximations easy. Indeed, many problems can now be solved to good accuracy in milliseconds on a laptop. This is the AAA algorithm, whose name derives from “adaptive Antoulas-Anderson”
The aim of this short story is not to describe these algorithms, which has been done elsewhere, but to show how beautifully they can reveal the power of rational functions and the mathematics of rational approximation. With the help of six figures all in the same format, we will illustrate what is sometimes called the Walsh/Gonchar theory of this subject. Details and references can be found in
The setting is a function defined on a compact, simply connected set in the complex plane and , is the over -norm (Simple connectivity doesn’t matter for the algorithm, but it makes this exposition simpler.) We are interested in best or near-best approximations to . by rational functions of degree (i.e., with polynomials and of degree and for comparison, by polynomials of degree ), The minimax errors can be written .
Entire function, .

First, consider the case where is entire. Here it is known that both and are guaranteed to decrease superexponentially as i.e., they are both , for any Figure .1 illustrates this for approximation of on the unit disk. On the left, we see convergence curves for AAA rational and Vandermonde-with-Arnoldi polynomial approximation, curving downward on this log scale. On the right, we see a portion of the complex plane with information about the final rational approximation to accuracy of degree , in this case. The red dots mark the poles of , The yellow dots mark a set of interpolation points . with , that are selected by AAA in the course of its computation. The AAA algorithm is a “greedy” iteration based on a barycentric representation of , with coefficients determined by a least-squares minimization
Meromorphic function, .

Next, suppose is analytic on but meromorphic in having one or more poles. Here rational approximations can “peel the poles off,” so the decay of , is still superexponential. Polynomials, however, are limited to exponential convergence at a rate determined by the pole closest to as measured by a conformal map of to the exterior of the unit disk
Function with essential singularities, Inset: zoom near . .

Now suppose has essential singularities outside You might expect this to slow down rational approximations fundamentally, but in fact, the convergence is still superexponential, as shown in Figure .3 for on the unit disk. The contour plot looks much as in Figure 2, but each of the inner four red dots is now a cluster of five poles, as illustrated in the inset.
Function with branch points, .

Branch points are a more serious obstacle to approximation, because they are not isolated singularities. If has any branch points outside rational approximants always slow down to exponential convergence. Thus both rational functions and polynomials converge exponentially, but the rates may be very different. I like to think that the trouble with polynomials is that their poles are constrained to lie at , whereas rational functions can put poles wherever they are most useful. The poles of good rational approximations do their best to approximate branch cuts, lining up beautifully along certain curves investigated by Stahl ,
Finally, there are two great cases where rational functions are far more efficient than polynomials. The well-known one, as discovered by Newman in 1964
Function with singularity on the approximation domain, on .

Function analytic in a nonconvex region, .

The other case is not so well-known but equally important. This is the situation of approximation on a nonconvex domain when the analytic continuation of has a singularity in an “inlet,” as will be true in most applications. Here both polynomials and rational functions achieve exponential convergence, for some but for polynomials, , is exponentially close to with respect to the length of the inlet
Now at last let us explain the contours in the figures, which show off the Walsh/Gonchar theory that leads to all of the results we have outlined. These contours are level curves of a potential function which we can interpret as generated by a positive point charge at each pole and a negative point charge at each interpolation point ,
This yields an error estimate for by a Cauchy–Hermite contour integral exploited by Joseph Walsh beginning in the 1930s
This identity holds for any contour within which and are analytic, and good bounds come when the pole and interpolation point distributions are close to equilibrium. Behavior as was investigated by Gonchar and others beginning in the 1960s, and the best bounds come with lying “as far from as possible,” hugging Stahl’s optimal branch cuts. The AAA algorithm doesn’t know the Walsh/Gonchar theory, but its poles delineate the optimal branch cuts pretty well anyway.
Something remarkable emerges if one examines the numbers on the colorbars in our plots. These represent powers of 10, and what is striking is that the range of yellow to blue is typically around 7 orders of magnitude, not or more as (2) would suggest for 12-digit accuracy. There is a factor of 2 in play here that is related to a certain orthogonality or approximate orthogonality along contours. Simply put, taking absolute values in (2) gives a valid upper bound, but the actual error is often much smaller because of oscillation of the integrand, leading to cancellation of the integral to leading order. For many near-best approximations, is on the order of the square of what one would expect from (2). Rakhmanov speaks of the Gonchar-Stahl theorem, which details cases in which this squaring can be guaranteed. See
The easy computations and plots of this review would not have been possible before about 2018. The implications of the AAA algorithm are very wide-ranging, making rational functions practical for numerical computation in a way they were not before. Exploring the possibilities is an active research area in numerical analysis.
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[ NST18] - Yuji Nakatsukasa, Olivier Sète, and Lloyd N. Trefethen, The AAA algorithm for rational approximation, SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 40 (2018), no. 3, A1494–A1522, DOI 10.1137/16M1106122. MR3805855,
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\bib{jjiam}{article}{ author={Trefethen, Lloyd N.}, title={Numerical analytic continuation}, journal={Jpn. J. Ind. Appl. Math.}, volume={40}, date={2023}, number={3}, pages={1587--1636}, issn={0916-7005}, review={\MR {4644441}}, doi={10.1007/s13160-023-00599-2}, }
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\bib{inlets}{article}{ author={Trefethen, L.~N.}, title={Polynomial and rational convergence rates for {L}aplace problems on planar domains}, date={2024}, journal={Proc. Roy. Soc. A}, volume={480}, number={20240178}, doi={10.1098/rspa.2024.0178}, }
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Figures 1–6 are courtesy of Nick Trefethen.
Photo of Lloyd N. Trefethen is courtesy of Eliza Grinnell, Harvard University.