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Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society

Published by the American Mathematical Society since 1950, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society is devoted to shorter research articles in all areas of pure and applied mathematics.

ISSN 1088-6826 (online) ISSN 0002-9939 (print)

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Divergence of interpolation polynomials in the complex domain
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by P. J. O’Hara
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 25 (1970), 690-697


In 1918 L. Fejér gave an example of a function $f(z)$, analytic for $|z| < 1$ and continuous for $|z| \leqq 1$, such that the sequence of Lagrange polynomials found by interpolation to $f(z)$ at the roots of unity diverges at a point on the unit circle. More recently S. Ja. Al’per showed that, regardless of how the interpolation points are chosen on the unit circle, a function $g(z)$, analytic for $|z| < 1$ and continuous for $|z| \leqq 1$, exists such that the Lagrange polynomials do not converge uniformly to $g(z)$ for $|z| \leqq 1$. In the present paper we present some theory which sheds some light on the results of Fejér and Al’per. A new example of the divergence of Lagrange polynomials is also presented.
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Bibliographic Information
  • © Copyright 1970 American Mathematical Society
  • Journal: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 25 (1970), 690-697
  • MSC: Primary 30.70
  • DOI:
  • MathSciNet review: 0273031