On idempotent, commutative, and nonassociative groupoids
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- by G. Grätzer and R. Padmanabhan
- Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 28 (1971), 75-80
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/S0002-9939-1971-0276393-7
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For an algebra $\mathfrak {A} = \left \langle {A;F} \right \rangle$ and for $n \geqq 2$, let ${p_n}(\mathfrak {A})$ denote the number of essentially $n$-ary polynomials of $\mathfrak {A}$. J. Dudek has shown that if $\mathfrak {A}$ is an idempotent and nonassociative groupoid then ${p_n}(\mathfrak {A}) \geqq n$ for all $n > 2$. In this paper this result is improved for the commutative case to show that for such groupoids $\mathfrak {A},{p_n}(\mathfrak {A}) \geqq \frac {1}{3}({2^n} - {( - 1)^n})$ for all $n \geqq 2$ (Theorem 1) and that this is the best possible result. Those groupoids for which this lower bound is attained are completely characterized. In fact, the relevant result proved below is much stronger (Theorem 3). From these and other known results it is deduced that the sequence $\left \langle {0,0,1,3} \right \rangle$ has the minimal extension property.References
- J. Dudek, Number of algebraic operations in idempotent groupoids, Colloq. Math. 21 (1970), 169–177. MR 263959, DOI 10.4064/cm-21-2-169-177
- George Grätzer, Universal algebra, D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., Princeton, N.J.-Toronto, Ont.-London, 1968. MR 0248066 —, Universal algebra, Trends in Lattice Theory, Van Nostrand, Princeton, N. J., 1969.
- G. Grätzer and J. Płonka, On the number of polynomials of an idempotent algebra. I, Pacific J. Math. 32 (1970), 697–709. MR 256969, DOI 10.2140/pjm.1970.32.697
- G. Grätzer, J. Płonka, and A. Sekanina, On the number of polynomials of a universal algebra. I, Colloq. Math. 22 (1970), 9–11. MR 294216, DOI 10.4064/cm-22-1-9-11
- J. Płonka, On the number of independent elements in finite abstract algebras having a binary operation, Colloq. Math. 14 (1966), 189–201. MR 191861, DOI 10.4064/cm-14-1-189-201
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Bibliographic Information
- © Copyright 1971 American Mathematical Society
- Journal: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 28 (1971), 75-80
- MSC: Primary 20.95
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/S0002-9939-1971-0276393-7
- MathSciNet review: 0276393