Equivariant covering spaces and cohomology
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- by Stefan Waner PDF
- Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 88 (1983), 351-356 Request permission
The Bredon cohomology of classifying spaces for categories of equivariant covering spaces is considered and shown to correspond to derived functors for the coefficient systems of the Bredon theory.References
- Glen E. Bredon, Equivariant cohomology theories, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, No. 34, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-New York, 1967. MR 0214062
- Sören Illman, Equivariant singular homology and cohomology. I, Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 1 (1975), no. issue 2, 156, ii+74. MR 375286, DOI 10.1090/memo/0156
- J. Peter May, Classifying spaces and fibrations, Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 1 (1975), no. 1, 155, xiii+98. MR 370579, DOI 10.1090/memo/0155
- Stefan Waner, A generalization of the cohomology of groups, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 85 (1982), no. 3, 469–474. MR 656126, DOI 10.1090/S0002-9939-1982-0656126-X —, Unoriented equivariant $RO(G)$-graded bordism, Univ. of Virginia, 1981, preprint.
- Stefan Waner, Classification of oriented equivariant spherical fibrations, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 271 (1982), no. 1, 313–324. MR 648095, DOI 10.1090/S0002-9947-1982-0648095-8 —, Three topological categories of $G$-sets, Univ. of Virginia, 1981, preprint.
Additional Information
- © Copyright 1983 American Mathematical Society
- Journal: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 88 (1983), 351-356
- MSC: Primary 55N91; Secondary 54H15
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/S0002-9939-1983-0695274-6
- MathSciNet review: 695274