Second order differential equations with transcendental coefficients
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- by John Rossi PDF
- Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 97 (1986), 61-66 Request permission
Let ${w_1}$ and ${w_2}$ be two linearly independent solutions to $w'' + Aw = 0$, where $A$ is a transcendental entire function of order $\rho (A) < 1$. We show that the exponent of convergence $\lambda (E)$ of the zeros of $E = {w_1}{w_2}$ is either infinite or satisfies $\rho {(A)^{ - 1}} + \lambda {(E)^{ - 1}} \leq 2$. For $\rho (A) = \tfrac {1}{2}$, this answers a question of Bank.References
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- Steven B. Bank and Ilpo Laine, On the oscillation theory of $f^{\prime \prime }+Af=0$ where $A$ is entire, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 273 (1982), no. 1, 351–363. MR 664047, DOI 10.1090/S0002-9947-1982-0664047-6
- Steven B. Bank and Ilpo Laine, On the zeros of meromorphic solutions and second-order linear differential equations, Comment. Math. Helv. 58 (1983), no. 4, 656–677. MR 728459, DOI 10.1007/BF02564659
- A. È. Erëmenko, The growth of entire and subharmonic functions on asymptotic curves, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh. 21 (1980), no. 5, 39–51, 189 (Russian). MR 592215 L. C. Shen, On a problem of Bank and Laine concerning the product of two linear independent solutions to $y'' + Ay = 0$ (to appear).
- M. Tsuji, Potential theory in modern function theory, Maruzen Co. Ltd., Tokyo, 1959. MR 0114894
Additional Information
- © Copyright 1986 American Mathematical Society
- Journal: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 97 (1986), 61-66
- MSC: Primary 30D35; Secondary 34A20
- DOI:
- MathSciNet review: 831388