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Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society

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Nonparametric estimation of the singularities of a signal from noisy measurements
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by A. I. Katsevich and A. G. Ramm
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 121 (1994), 1221-1234


We study a problem of locating and estimating singularities of a signal measured with noise on a discrete set of points (fixed-design model). The signal consists of a smooth part with bounded first derivative and of finite number of singularities of the type $(x - {t_i})_ \pm ^p{d_i},0 \leq p \leq \frac {1}{2}$. The case $p = 0$ corresponds to a piecewise continuous function. The algorithm is based on convolving the data with a kernel having compact support. Optimal bandwidth of the kernel is calculated, the consistency of the algorithm is proved. The results of testing the proposed algorithm on model examples are presented.
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  • D. Girard and P.-J. Laurent, Splines and estimation of nonlinear parameters, Mathematical methods in computer aided geometric design (Oslo, 1988) Academic Press, Boston, MA, 1989, pp. 273–298. MR 1022714
  • Wolfgang Härdle, Applied nonparametric regression, Econometric Society Monographs, vol. 19, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1990. MR 1161622, DOI 10.1017/CCOL0521382483
  • W. K. Pratt, Digital image processing, 2nd ed., Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1991.
  • A. G. Ramm, Multidimensional inverse scattering problems, Pitman Monographs and Surveys in Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 51, Longman Scientific & Technical, Harlow; copublished in the United States with John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1992. MR 1211417
  • A. G. Ramm, Random fields estimation theory, Pitman Monographs and Surveys in Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 48, Longman Scientific & Technical, Harlow; copublished in the United States with John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1990. MR 1103995
  • A. G. Ramm and A. I. Zaslavsky, Singularities of the Radon transform, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 28 (1993), no. 1, 109–115. MR 1168516, DOI 10.1090/S0273-0979-1993-00350-1
  • Grace Wahba, Spline models for observational data, CBMS-NSF Regional Conference Series in Applied Mathematics, vol. 59, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), Philadelphia, PA, 1990. MR 1045442, DOI 10.1137/1.9781611970128
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Bibliographic Information
  • © Copyright 1994 American Mathematical Society
  • Journal: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 121 (1994), 1221-1234
  • MSC: Primary 62G05
  • DOI:
  • MathSciNet review: 1227518