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Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society

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Eigenvalues of the form valued Laplacian for Riemannian submersions
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by Peter B. Gilkey, John V. Leahy and Jeong Hyeong Park
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 126 (1998), 1845-1850


Let $\pi :Z\rightarrow Y$ be a Riemannian submersion of closed manifolds. Let $\Phi _{p}$ be an eigen $p$-form of the Laplacian on $Y$ with eigenvalue $\lambda$ which pulls back to an eigen $p$-form of the Laplacian on $Z$ with eigenvalue $\mu$. We are interested in when the eigenvalue can change. We show that $\lambda \le \mu$, so the eigenvalue can only increase; and we give some examples where $\lambda <\mu$, so the eigenvalue changes. If the horizontal distribution is integrable and if $Y$ is simply connected, then $\lambda =\mu$, so the eigenvalue does not change.
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  • P. B. Gilkey and J. H. Park, Riemannian submersions which preserve the eigenforms of the Laplacian, Illinois J. Math. 40 (1996), no. 2, 194–201. MR 1398089
  • S. I. Goldberg and T. Ishihara, Riemannian submersions commuting with the Laplacian, J. Differential Geometry 13 (1978), no. 1, 139–144. MR 520606
  • Yosio Muto, Some eigenforms of the Laplace-Beltrami operators in a Riemannian submersion, J. Korean Math. Soc. 15 (1978), no. 1, 39–57. MR 504475
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Bibliographic Information
  • Peter B. Gilkey
  • Affiliation: Department of Mathematics, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403
  • MR Author ID: 73560
  • Email:
  • John V. Leahy
  • Email:
  • Jeong Hyeong Park
  • Affiliation: Department of Mathematics, Honam University, Seobongdong 59, Kwangsanku, Kwangju, 506-090 South Korea
  • Email:
  • Received by editor(s): May 20, 1996
  • Additional Notes: The first author’s research was partially supported by the NSF (USA); the third author’s, by BSRI-96-1425, the Korean Ministry of Education
  • Communicated by: Christopher Croke
  • © Copyright 1998 American Mathematical Society
  • Journal: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 126 (1998), 1845-1850
  • MSC (1991): Primary 58G25
  • DOI:
  • MathSciNet review: 1485476