Exactness of one relator groups
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- by Erik Guentner
- Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 130 (2002), 1087-1093
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/S0002-9939-01-06195-0
- Published electronically: October 12, 2001
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A discrete group ${\Gamma }$ is $C^*$-exact if the reduced crossed product with ${\Gamma }$ converts a short exact sequence of ${\Gamma }$-$C^*$-algebras into a short exact sequence of $C^*$-algebras. A one relator group is a discrete group ${\Gamma }$ admitting a presentation ${\Gamma }=\langle \; X \;|\; R \;\rangle$ where $X$ is a countable set and $R$ is a single word over $X$. In this short paper we prove that all one relator discrete groups are $C^*$-exact. Using the Bass-Serre theory we also prove that a countable discrete group $\Gamma$ acting without inversion on a tree is $C^*$-exact if the vertex stabilizers of the action are $C^*$-exact.References
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Bibliographic Information
- Erik Guentner
- Affiliation: Department of Mathematical Sciences, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, 402 N. Blackford St., Indianapolis, Indiana 46202-3216
- Address at time of publication: Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, 100 Centennial Drive, #5070, Berkeley, California 94702-5070
- Email: guentner@msri.org
- Received by editor(s): October 9, 2000
- Published electronically: October 12, 2001
- Additional Notes: The author was supported with funds from the NSF
- Communicated by: Joseph A. Ball
- © Copyright 2001 American Mathematical Society
- Journal: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 130 (2002), 1087-1093
- MSC (1991): Primary 47L85; Secondary 20E06, 22D15
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/S0002-9939-01-06195-0
- MathSciNet review: 1873783