Note on Kadets Klee property and Asplund spaces
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- by Petr Hájek and Jarno Talponen
- Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 142 (2014), 3933-3939
- DOI:
- Published electronically: July 24, 2014
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A typical result in this note is that if $X$ is a Banach space which is a weak Asplund space and has the $\omega ^*$-$\omega$-Kadets Klee property, then $X$ is already an Asplund space.References
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Bibliographic Information
- Petr Hájek
- Affiliation: Mathematical Institute, Czech Academy of Science, Žitná 25, 115 67 Praha 1, Czech Republic – and – Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Zikova 4, 160 00, Prague, Czech Republic
- Email:
- Jarno Talponen
- Affiliation: Aalto University, Institute of Mathematics, P.O. Box 11100, FI-00076 Aalto, Finland
- Address at time of publication: University of Eastern Finland, Institute of Mathematics, Box 111, FI-80101 Joensuu, Finland
- MR Author ID: 832836
- Email:
- Received by editor(s): August 21, 2012
- Received by editor(s) in revised form: December 11, 2012, and December 19, 2012
- Published electronically: July 24, 2014
- Additional Notes: The first author was financially supported by grant GACR 201/11/0345 and was supported in part by Institutional Research Plan AV0Z10190503 and GAČR P201/11/0345.
This paper was prepared as the second author enjoyed the warm hospitality of the Czech Academy of Sciences in autumn 2011. The visit and research were supported in part by the Väisälä Foundation. - Communicated by: Thomas Schlumprecht
- © Copyright 2014
American Mathematical Society
The copyright for this article reverts to public domain 28 years after publication. - Journal: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 142 (2014), 3933-3939
- MSC (2010): Primary 46B03, 46B20
- DOI:
- MathSciNet review: 3251733