Maximizers for the singular Trudinger-Moser inequalities in the subcritical cases
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- by Nguyen Lam
- Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 145 (2017), 4885-4892
- DOI:
- Published electronically: June 9, 2017
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The main purpose of this note is to study the existence of extremal functions for the singular Trudinger-Moser inequalities in the subcritical cases. More precisely, let $N\geq 2$,$~0<\beta <N,~0<a,~b$ and denote \begin{align*} TM_{a,b,\beta }\left ( \alpha \right ) & =\sup _{\left \Vert \nabla u\right \Vert _{N}^{a}+\left \Vert u\right \Vert _{N}^{b}\leq 1}\int _{ \mathbb {R}^{N}}\phi _{N}\left ( \alpha \left ( 1-\frac {\beta }{N}\right ) \left \vert u\right \vert ^{\frac {N}{N-1}}\right ) \frac {dx}{\left \vert x\right \vert ^{\beta }},\\ \phi _{N}(t) & =e^{t}- {\displaystyle \sum \limits _{j=0}^{N-2}} \frac {t^{j}}{j!}. \end{align*} Then we will prove in this article that $TM_{a,b,\beta }\left ( \alpha \right )$ can be attained if ($\alpha <\alpha _{N}=N\omega _{N-1}^{\frac {1}{N-1}}$) or ($\alpha =\alpha _{N};$ $b<N$).References
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Bibliographic Information
- Nguyen Lam
- Affiliation: Department of Mathematics, University of British Columbia and The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, Vancouver, BC V6T1Z4, Canada
- MR Author ID: 796424
- ORCID: 0000-0002-8392-6284
- Email:
- Received by editor(s): August 25, 2016
- Received by editor(s) in revised form: December 17, 2016
- Published electronically: June 9, 2017
- Additional Notes: The research of this work was partially supported by the PIMS-Math Distinguished Post-doctoral Fellowship from the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.
- Communicated by: Svitlana Mayboroda
- © Copyright 2017 American Mathematical Society
- Journal: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 145 (2017), 4885-4892
- MSC (2010): Primary 35A23; Secondary 26D15, 46E35
- DOI:
- MathSciNet review: 3692003