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Quarterly of Applied Mathematics

Quarterly of Applied Mathematics

Online ISSN 1552-4485; Print ISSN 0033-569X



Multi-mode surface wave diffraction by a right-angled wedge

Authors: R. C. Morgan, S. N. Karp and Jr. Karal
Journal: Quart. Appl. Math. 24 (1966), 263-266
MathSciNet review: QAM99917
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Abstract | References | Additional Information

Abstract: This paper extends the phenomenological theory of multi-mode surface wave diffraction to a right-angled wedge configuration. The solution to a two-mode problem is obtained under the edge condition \[ \sum \limits _{j = 0}^2 {\left | {\frac {{{\partial ^j}u}}{{\partial {x^j}}}} \right | = 0\left ( {{r^{ - \left [ {1 + h} \right ]}}} \right ),0 \le h < 2/3} \] as $r \to 0$. It is conjectured that the same procedure may be used to construct the solution to the corresponding $N$-mode problem under the edge condition \[ \sum \limits _{j = 0}^N {\left | {\frac {{{\partial ^j}u}}{{\partial {x^j}}}} \right |} = 0\left ( {{r^{ - \left [ {\left ( {2N - 1} \right )/3 + h} \right ]}}} \right ),0 \le h \le 2/3\]as $r \to 0$.

References [Enhancements On Off] (What's this?)

    F. C. Karal, and S. N. Karp, Phenomenological Theory of Multi-Mode Surface Wave Excitation, Propagation and Diffraction, I. Plane Structures, New York Univ., Courant Inst. Math. Sci., Div. of Electromagnetic Res., Res. Rep. No. EM–198, 1964 F. C. Karal, and S. N. Karp, Phenomenological Theory of Multi-Mode Surface Wave Structures, Quasi-Optics Symposium, Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst., (John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1964). Also, New York Univ., Courant Inst. Math. Sci., Div. of Electromagnetic Res., Res. Rep. No. EM–201, 1964
  • F. C. Karal Jr., S. N. Karp, Ta-Shing Chu, and R. G. Kouyoumjian, Scattering of a surface wave by a discontinuity in the surface reactance on a right angled wedge, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 14 (1961), 35–48. MR 119790, DOI
  • Richard C. Morgan and Samuel N. Karp, Uniqueness theorem for a surface wave problem in electromagnetic diffraction theory, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 16 (1963), 45–56. MR 149079, DOI
  • W. Magnus, and F. Oberhettinger, Formulas and Theorems for the Special Functions of Mathematical Physics, 2nd Ed.; Berlin, Springer, 1948 R. C. Morgan, Uniqueness Theorem for a Multi-Mode Surface Wave Problem in Electromagnetic Diffraction Theory, New York Univ., Courant Inst. Math. Sci., Div. of Electromagnetic Res., Res. Rep. No. EM–212, 1965

Additional Information

Article copyright: © Copyright 1966 American Mathematical Society