A hyperbolic Stefan problem
R. E. Showalter and N. J. Walkington
Quart. Appl. Math. 45 (1987), 769-781
Primary 35R35; Secondary 35L99, 80A20
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Abstract: A free-boundary problem of Stefan type is presented under constitutive assumptions on flux and energy which contain an effective time delay. This contains the hyperbolic telegraphers equation and, hence, has the feature that propagation speed of disturbances is bounded. With the appropriate physically consistent condition on the interface this is shown to lead to a well-posed weak formulation of the problem.
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A. Solomon, V. Alexiades, D. Wilson, and J. Greenberg, A hyperbolic Stefan problem with discontinuous temperature, to appear
P. Vernotte, Les paradoxes de la théorie continue de l’equation de la chaleur, Comp. Rend. 246, 3154–3155 (1958)
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