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Quarterly of Applied Mathematics

Quarterly of Applied Mathematics

Online ISSN 1552-4485; Print ISSN 0033-569X



Analytic solutions of the vector Burgers’ equation

Authors: Steven Nerney, Edward J. Schmahl and Z. E. Musielak
Journal: Quart. Appl. Math. 54 (1996), 63-71
MSC: Primary 35Q53; Secondary 35C99, 35K55
MathSciNet review: MR1373838
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Abstract: The well-known analytical solution of Burgers’ equation is extended to curvilinear coordinate systems in three dimensions by a method that is much simpler and more suitable to practical applications than that previously used [22], The results obtained are applied to incompressible flow with cylindrical symmetry, and also to the decay of an initially linearly increasing wind.

References [Enhancements On Off] (What's this?)

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