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Quarterly of Applied Mathematics

Quarterly of Applied Mathematics

Online ISSN 1552-4485; Print ISSN 0033-569X



Electromagnetic field in the source region of continuously varying current density

Author: John G. Fikioris
Journal: Quart. Appl. Math. 54 (1996), 201-209
MSC: Primary 78A25
MathSciNet review: MR1388012
Full-text PDF Free Access

Abstract | References | Similar Articles | Additional Information

Abstract: Continuity, analyticity, and the singular points of the vector potential A and the field vectors H, E in a spherical source region $\nu$ are investigated thoroughly for, practically, any continuous current density distribution J in $\nu$. In other words, this is a study of the inhomogeneous Helmholtz equation in $\nu$. Explicit results for A, H, E are obtained by direct integration, extending previous results for constant density in $\nu$ to continuously varying ones. The importance of imposing the Hölder condition on J to insure existence of E and of certain second derivatives of A is explicitly demonstrated by a specific continuous J, violating this condition at a point; it is then seen that E and some second derivatives of A do not exist, tending to infinity, at that point.

References [Enhancements On Off] (What's this?)

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