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Quarterly of Applied Mathematics

Quarterly of Applied Mathematics

Online ISSN 1552-4485; Print ISSN 0033-569X



Global existence and asymptotic behavior of weak solutions to nonlinear thermoviscoelastic systems with clamped boundary conditions

Authors: Weixi Shen, Songmu Zheng and Peicheng Zhu
Journal: Quart. Appl. Math. 57 (1999), 93-116
MSC: Primary 74H20; Secondary 35D05, 35Q72, 74D10, 74F05
MathSciNet review: MR1672183
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Abstract: This paper is concerned with global existence, uniqueness, and asymptotic behavior, as time tends to infinity, of weak solutions to nonlinear thermoviscoelastic systems with clamped boundary conditions. The constitutive assumptions for the Helmholtz free energy include the model for the study of phase transitions in shape memory alloys. To describe phase transitions between different configurations of crystal lattices, we work in a framework in which the strain $u$ belongs to ${L^\infty }$. It is shown that for any initial data of (strain, velocity, absolute temperature) $\left ( {u_0}, {v_0}, {\theta _0} \right ) \in \\ {L^\infty } \times W_0^{1, \infty } \times {H^1}$, there is a unique global solution $\left ( u, v, \theta \right ) \in C\left ( \left [ 0, + \infty \right ]; {L^\infty } \right ) \times C\left ( 0, + \infty \right ); \\ \left . W_0^{1, \infty } \right ) \cap {L^\infty }\left ( \left [ 0, + \infty ); {W^{1, \infty }} \right ) \times C\left ( \left [ 0, + \infty \right ); {H^1} \right ) \right .$. Results concerning the asymptotic behavior as time goes to infinity are obtained.

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Article copyright: © Copyright 1999 American Mathematical Society