Data clustering based on Langevin annealing with a self-consistent potential
Kyle Lafata, Zhennan Zhou, Jian-Guo Liu and Fang-Fang Yin
Quart. Appl. Math. 77 (2019), 591-613
MSC (2010):
Primary 62H30, 82C31, 60H10, 37M25
Published electronically:
October 11, 2018
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Abstract: This paper introduces a novel data clustering algorithm based on Langevin dynamics, where the associated potential is constructed directly from the data. To introduce a self-consistent potential, we adopt the potential model from the established Quantum Clustering method. The first step is to use a radial basis function to construct a density distribution from the data. A potential function is then constructed such that this density distribution is the ground state solution to the time-independent Schrödinger equation. The second step is to use this potential function with the Langevin dynamics at subcritical temperature to avoid ergodicity. The Langevin equations take a classical Gibbs distribution as the invariant measure, where the peaks of the distribution coincide with minima of the potential surface. The time dynamics of individual data points lead to different metastable states, which are interpreted as cluster centers. Clustering is therefore achieved when subsets of the data aggregate—as a result of the Langevin dynamics for a moderate period of time—in the neighborhood of a particular potential minimum. While the data points are pushed towards potential minima by the potential gradient, Brownian motion allows them to effectively tunnel through local potential barriers and escape saddle points into locations of the potential surface otherwise forbidden. The algorithm’s feasibility is first established based on several illustrating examples and theoretical analyses, followed by a stricter evaluation using a standard benchmark dataset.
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- Qi He and Jack Xin, Hybrid deterministic-stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics for Bayesian learning, Commun. Inf. Syst. 12 (2012), no. 3, 221–232. MR 3157685, DOI
- P. Wittek, High-performance dynamic quantum clustering on graphics processors, Journal of Computational Physics 233 (2013), 262–271.
- Lingsong Zhang, J. S. Marron, Haipeng Shen, and Zhengyuan Zhu, Singular value decomposition and its visualization, J. Comput. Graph. Statist. 16 (2007), no. 4, 833–854. MR 2412485, DOI
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Additional Information
Kyle Lafata
Department of Radiation Oncology, Physics Division, Department of Physics, and Medical Physics Graduate Program, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27705
Zhennan Zhou
Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research, Peking University, Beijing, People’s Republic of China 100871
MR Author ID:
Jian-Guo Liu
Departments of Mathematics and Physics, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27705
MR Author ID:
Fang-Fang Yin
Department of Radiation Oncology, Physics Division and Medical Physics Graduate Program, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27705
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Received by editor(s):
July 16, 2018
Published electronically:
October 11, 2018
Additional Notes:
The first author was partially supported by a grant from Varian Medical Systems.
The second author was partially supported by RNMS11-07444 (KI-Net) and the startup grant from Peking University.
The third author was partially supported by KI-Net NSF RNMS 11-07444, NSF DMS-1514826, and NSF DMS-1812573.
The fourth author was partially supported by NIH 2R21CA218940, NIH 1R01CA184173, NIH 1R21CA165384, and a grant from Varian Medical Systems.
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© Copyright 2018
Brown University