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St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal

This journal is a cover-to-cover translation into English of Algebra i Analiz, published six times a year by the mathematics section of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

ISSN 1547-7371 (online) ISSN 1061-0022 (print)

The 2020 MCQ for St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal is 0.68.

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Almost standing waves in a periodic waveguide with resonator, and near-threshold eigenvalues
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by S. A. Nazarov
Translated by: A. Plotkin
St. Petersburg Math. J. 28 (2017), 377-410
Published electronically: March 29, 2017


The definition and an existence criterion are given for the standing waves at the threshold of the continuous spectrum for a periodic quantum waveguide with a resonator (the Dirichlet problem for the Laplace operator). Such waves and their linear combinations do not transfer energy to infinity, and they only differ from the standing waves with the zero Floquet parameter by an exponentially decaying term. It is shown that the almost standing and trapped waves at the threshold generate eigenvalues in the discrete spectrum of a waveguide with a regular sloping local perturbation of the wall.
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Bibliographic Information
  • S. A. Nazarov
  • Affiliation: Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, St. Petersburg State University, Universitetskiĭ pr. 28, Petrodvoretz, 198504 St. Petersburg, Russia;; Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnical University, Polytechnicheskaya ul. 29, 195251 St. Petersburg, Russia;; Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems, Bol′shoǐ pr. V. O. 61, 199178 St. Petersburg, Russia
  • MR Author ID: 196508
  • Email:,
  • Received by editor(s): November 20, 2015
  • Published electronically: March 29, 2017
  • Additional Notes: Supported by RFBR (project no. 15-01-02175)
  • © Copyright 2017 American Mathematical Society
  • Journal: St. Petersburg Math. J. 28 (2017), 377-410
  • MSC (2010): Primary 81Q10
  • DOI:
  • MathSciNet review: 3604291