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Remote Access Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics

Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics

ISSN 1547-7363(online) ISSN 0094-9000(print)



Measurement and performance of the strong stability method

Authors: Louiza Bouallouche and Djamil Aïssani
Journal: Theor. Probability and Math. Statist. 72 (2006), 1-9
MSC (2000): Primary 60K25, 68M20, 90B22
Published electronically: August 10, 2006
MathSciNet review: 2168131
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Abstract | References | Similar Articles | Additional Information


The aim of this paper is to show how to use in practice the strong stability method and also to prove its efficiency. That is why we chose the $GI/M/1$ model for which there exist analytical results.

For this purpose, we first determine the approximation conditions of the characteristics of the $GI/M/1$ system. Under these conditions, we obtain the stability inequalities of the stationary distribution of the queue size.

We finally elaborate upon an algorithm for the approximation of the $GI/M/1$ system by the $M/M/1$ system, which calculates the approximation error with an exact computation. In order to give some idea about its application in practice, we give a numerical example.

The accuracy of the approach is evaluated by comparison with some known exact results.

References [Enhancements On Off] (What's this?)

  • Dzh. Aĭssani and N. V. Kartashov, Ergodicity and stability of Markov chains with respect to operator topologies in a space of transition kernels, Dokl. Akad. Nauk Ukrain. SSR Ser. A 11 (1983), 3–5 (Russian, with English summary). MR 728475
  • D. Aĭssani and N. V. Kartashov, Strong stability of an imbedded Markov chain in an $M/G/1$ system, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Mat. Statist. 29 (1983), 3–7 (Russian). MR 727097
  • S. Fdida and G. Pujolle, Modèles de Systèmes et de Réseaux, Tome 1 et Tome 2, Eyrolle, 1989.
  • E. Gelenbe and G. Pujolle, Introduction to queueing networks, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Chichester, 1987. Translated from the French by J. C. C. Nelson. MR 874339
  • E. Gelenbe and G. Pujolle, Introduction to queueing networks, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Chichester, 1987. Translated from the French by J. C. C. Nelson. MR 874339
  • N. V. Kartashov, Strong stable Markov chains, VSP, Utrecht; TBiMC Scientific Publishers, Kiev, 1996. MR 1451375
  • R. Pedrono and J. M. Hellary, Recherche Opérationnelle, Hermann, Paris, 1983.
  • S. T. Rachev, The problem of stability in queueing theory, Queueing Systems Theory Appl. 4 (1989), no. 4, 287–317. MR 1018523, DOI

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Additional Information

Louiza Bouallouche
Affiliation: L.A.M.O.S, Laboratory of Modelisation and Optimization of Systems, University of Béjaïa, 06000, Algeria

Djamil Aïssani
Affiliation: L.A.M.O.S, Laboratory of Modelisation and Optimization of Systems, University of Béjaïa, 06000, Algeria

Keywords: Queueing system, Markov chain, stability, strong stability, performance evaluation, approximation
Received by editor(s): July 30, 2003
Published electronically: August 10, 2006
Article copyright: © Copyright 2006 American Mathematical Society