Threshold structure of optimal stopping strategies for American type option. II
H. Jönsson, A. G. Kukush and D. S. Silvestrov
Theor. Probability and Math. Statist. 72 (2006), 47-58
MSC (2000):
Primary 91B28, 62P05; Secondary 60J25, 60J20
Published electronically:
August 10, 2006
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Abstract: The paper presents results of theoretical studies of optimal stopping domains of American type options in discrete time. Sufficient conditions on the payoff functions and the price process for the optimal stopping domains to have one-threshold structure are given. We consider monotone, convex and inhomogeneous-in-time payoff functions. The underlying asset’s price is modelled by an inhomogeneous discrete time Markov process.
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- H. Jönsson, A. G. Kukush, and D. S. Silvestrov, Threshold Structure of Optimal Stopping Strategies For American Type Options, Research Report 2004-2, Department of Mathematics and Physics, Mälardalen University, 2004.
- H. Jönsson, A. G. Kukush, and D. S. Silvestrov, Threshold structure of optimal stopping strategies for American type option, I. Teor. Ĭmovir. Matem. Statist. 71 (2004), 82–92; English transl. in Theor. Probab. Math. Statist. 71 (2005), 93–103. MR 2144323 (2006h:91075)
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H. Jönsson
Mälardalen University, Box 883, SE-721 23 Västerås, Sweden
A. G. Kukush
Kyiv University, 01033 Kyiv, Ukraine
D. S. Silvestrov
Mälardalen University, Box 883, SE-721 23 Västerås, Sweden
Markov process,
discrete time,
American type option,
convex payoff function,
optimal stopping
Received by editor(s):
May 24, 2004
Published electronically:
August 10, 2006
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Supported in part by the Visby programme (funded by the Swedish Institute), and by grants from the Knowledge Foundation and the Royal Swedish Academy of Science.
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© Copyright 2006
American Mathematical Society