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Remote Access Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics

Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics

ISSN 1547-7363(online) ISSN 0094-9000(print)



An estimate of the mean square error of interpolation of stochastic processes

Author: A. Ya. Olenko
Translated by: V. Semenov
Journal: Theor. Probability and Math. Statist. 72 (2006), 113-123
MSC (2000): Primary 94A20, 60G12, 26D15; Secondary 30D15, 41A05
Published electronically: September 5, 2006
MathSciNet review: 2168141
Full-text PDF Free Access

Abstract | References | Similar Articles | Additional Information

Abstract: For functions with an unbounded support of the spectrum, we obtain precise estimates of the error of interpolation by Whittaker–Kotelnikov–Shannon sums. We study the uniform and mean square errors of interpolation. Examples of extreme functions are given for which the estimate is precise. We obtain the rate of the mean square convergence of the error of interpolation for stochastic processes of the weak Cramér class and for processes generated by an orthogonal stochastic measure.

References [Enhancements On Off] (What's this?)

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Additional Information

A. Ya. Olenko
Affiliation: Department of Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Faculty for Mathematics and Mechanics, National Taras Shevchenko University, Academician Glushkov Avenue, 6, Kyiv 03127, Ukraine

Keywords: Errors of approximation/interpolation, extreme functions, Fréchet semivariation, convergence of random variables, unbounded spectrum, aliasing, Paley–Wiener function classes, Kotelnikov–Shannon theorem, precise estimate, upper estimate, interpolation, truncation error, stochastic processes, weak Cramér class
Received by editor(s): July 3, 2004
Published electronically: September 5, 2006
Article copyright: © Copyright 2006 American Mathematical Society