Fractal properties of some Bernoulli convolutions
Ya. V. Goncharenko, M. V. Pratsyovytyĭ and G. M. Torbin
Translated by:
N. Semenov
Theor. Probability and Math. Statist. 79 (2009), 39-55
MSC (2000):
Primary 60G30, 11K55, 28A80
Published electronically:
December 29, 2009
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Abstract: We study the structure and topological, metric, and fractal properties of the distribution of the random variable \[ \xi =\sum _{k=1}^\infty \xi _k a_k, \] where $\sum _{k=1}^\infty a_k$ is a convergent series of positive terms $a_k$ such that \[ a_{3k-2}= a_{3k-1}+a_{3k}, \] $a_{i} \ge a_{i+1}+a_{i+2}+\cdots$, $i \ne 3k-2$, $k \in \mathbf N$, and where $\xi _k$ are independent random variables assuming two values $0$ and $1$ with the probabilities $p_{0k}$ and $p_{1k}$, respectively. We prove that the distribution of $\xi$ is either purely discrete or purely singularly continuous. We obtain the criteria for a distribution to belong to each of these types. The topological-metric structure of the distribution is studied in the continuous case. The main result of the paper describes the fractal properties of the distribution of the random variable $\xi$. The relations are obtained for the Hausdorff–Besicovitch spectrum (the minimal closed support) of the random variable $\xi$ and for the Hausdorff dimension of the corresponding probability measure $\mu _{\xi }$.
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Additional Information
Ya. V. Goncharenko
Department of Higher Mathematics, National Dragomanov Pedagogical University, Pirogova Street 9, Kyiv 01130, Ukraine
M. V. Pratsyovytyĭ
Department of Higher Mathematics, National Dragomanov Pedagogical University, Pirogova Street 9, Kyiv 01130, Ukraine
G. M. Torbin
Department of Higher Mathematics, National Dragomanov Pedagogical University, Pirogova Street 9, Kyiv 01130, Ukraine
Bernoulli convolution,
singularly continuous probability distribution,
Hausdorff–Besicovitch dimension,
Hausdorff dimension of a distribution (measure),
the set of incomplete sums of a series
Received by editor(s):
November 27, 2007
Published electronically:
December 29, 2009
Additional Notes:
The first author is supported by the grant DFG 436 113/80
The second author is supported by the grants DFG 436 UKR 113/78 and DFG 436 113/80
The third author is supported by the grants DFG 436 UKR 113/78 and DFG 436 113/80 and by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
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© Copyright 2009
American Mathematical Society