Functional limit theorems for stochastic integrals with applications to risk processes and to self-financing strategies in a multidimensional market. I
Yu. S. Mishura, G. M. Shevchenko and Yu. V. Yukhnovs’kiĭ
Translated by:
N. Semenov
Theor. Probability and Math. Statist. 81 (2010), 131-146
MSC (2010):
Primary 60G44, 60F05, 60B12
Published electronically:
January 20, 2011
MathSciNet review:
Full-text PDF Free Access
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Abstract: We study sufficient conditions for the weak convergence of stochastic integrals with respect to processes of bounded variation, martingales, or semimartingales. A semimartingale theorem is extended to the multidimensional case. We apply a limit procedure and pass from processes of bounded variation to risk processes. An “inverse” problem for the weak convergence is also considered.
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Yu. S. Mishura
Department of Probability Theory, Statistics, and Actuarial Mathematics, Faculty for Mechanics and Mathematics, National Taras Shevchenko University, Academician Glushkov Avenue 2, Kiev 03127, Ukraine
G. M. Shevchenko
Department of Probability Theory, Statistics, and Actuarial Mathematics, Faculty for Mechanics and Mathematics, National Taras Shevchenko University, Academician Glushkov Avenue 2, Kiev 03127, Ukraine
Yu. V. Yukhnovs’kiĭ
Department of Probability Theory, Statistics, and Actuarial Mathematics, Faculty for Mechanics and Mathematics, National Taras Shevchenko University, Academician Glushkov Avenue 2, Kiev 03127, Ukraine
Stochastic integrals,
functional limit theorems,
weak convergence,
Received by editor(s):
July 10, 2009
Published electronically:
January 20, 2011
Additional Notes:
The first two authors are grateful to the European Commissions for support in the framework of the program “Marie Curie Actions”, grant PIRSES-GA-2008-230804
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© Copyright 2011
American Mathematical Society