Estimation and inference of the vector autoregressive process under heteroscedasticity
T. Bodnar and T. Zabolotskyy
Theor. Probability and Math. Statist. 83 (2011), 27-45
MSC (2010):
Primary 62H12, 62M15; Secondary 62H10
Published electronically:
February 2, 2012
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Abstract: In this paper we derive the asymptotic distribution of the estimator for the parameters of the vector autoregressive process of order $p$ with an unconditionally heteroscedastic error process. The covariance matrix of the error process is modeled as a deterministic matrix function and it is estimated nonparametrically at each time point. This estimator is used for deriving inference procedures for the parameters of the vector autoregressive process.
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- K.-L. Xu and P. C. B. Phillips, Adaptive estimation of autoregressive models with time-varying variances, Journal of Econometrics 142 (2008), 265–280. MR 2408736
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T. Bodnar
Department of Statistics, European University Viadrina, PO Box 1786, 15207 Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
T. Zabolotskyy
Department of Statistics, European University Viadrina, PO Box 1786, 15207 Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
inference procedure,
parameter estimation,
vector autoregressive process
Received by editor(s):
October 5, 2009
Published electronically:
February 2, 2012
Article copyright:
© Copyright 2012
American Mathematical Society