Continuous dependence of solutions of stochastic differential equations driven by standard and fractional Brownian motion on a parameter
Yu. S. Mishura, S. V. Posashkova and S. V. Posashkov
Translated by:
S. Kvasko
Theor. Probability and Math. Statist. 83 (2011), 111-126
MSC (2010):
Primary 60G22; Secondary 60H10
Published electronically:
February 2, 2012
MathSciNet review:
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Abstract: We consider a stochastic differential equation driven by both a Wiener process and a fractional Brownian motion. The coefficients of the equation are nonhomogeneous, and the initial condition is random. It is assumed that both the coefficients and the initial condition depend on a parameter. We establish conditions on the coefficients and the initial condition for the continuous dependence of a solution on the parameter.
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- Yu. S. Mishura, Stochastic Calculus for Fractional Brownian Motion and Related Processes, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2008. MR 2378138 (2008m:60064)
- Yu. S. Mishura and S. V. Posashkov, Existence and uniqueness of solution of mixed stochastic differential equation driven by fractional Brownian motion and Wiener process, Theory Stoch. Process. 29 (2007), 152–165. MR 2343820 (2009c:60158)
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Yu. S. Mishura
Department of Probability Theory, Statistics, and Actuarial Mathematics, Faculty for Mechanics and Mathematics, National Taras Shevchenko University, Academician Glushkov Avenue 2, Kiev 03127, Ukraine
S. V. Posashkova
Department of Probability Theory, Statistics, and Actuarial Mathematics, Faculty for Mechanics and Mathematics, National Taras Shevchenko University, Academician Glushkov Avenue 2, Kiev 03127, Ukraine
S. V. Posashkov
Department of Probability Theory, Statistics, and Actuarial Mathematics, Faculty for Mechanics and Mathematics, National Taras Shevchenko University, Academician Glushkov Avenue 2, Kiev 03127, Ukraine
Fractional Brownian motion,
standard Brownian motion,
stochastic differential equation,
continuity in a parameter
Received by editor(s):
May 28, 2010
Published electronically:
February 2, 2012
Article copyright:
© Copyright 2012
American Mathematical Society