Non-central limit theorem for the spatial average of the solution to the wave equation with Rosenblatt noise
R. Dhoyer and C. A. Tudor
Theor. Probability and Math. Statist. 106 (2022), 105-119
MSC (2020):
Primary 60H15, 60H07, 60G15, 60F05
Published electronically:
May 16, 2022
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Abstract: We analyze the limit behavior in distribution of the spatial average of the solution to the wave equation driven by the two-parameter Rosenblatt process in spatial dimension $d=1$. We prove that this spatial average satisfies a non-central limit theorem, more precisely it converges in law to a Wiener integral with respect to the Rosenblatt process. We also give a functional version of this limit theorem.
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- R. M. Balan, D. Nualart, L. Quer-Sardanyons and G. Zheng, The hyperbolic Anderson model: Moment estimates of the Malliavin derivatives and applications. Preprint, to appear in Stoch. Partial Differ. Equ. Anal. Comput.,, 2022.
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- R. Dhoyer and C. A. Tudor, Spatial average for the solution to the heat equation with Rosenblatt noise. Preprint, to appear in Stochastic Analysis and Applications,, 2022.
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- D. Nualart and G. Zheng, Central limit theorems for stochastic wave equations in dimensions one and two. Preprint, to appear in Stoch. Partial Differ. Equ. Anal. Comput.,, 2022.
- D. Nualart and G. Zheng, Spatial ergodicity of stochastic wave equations in dimensions 1, 2 and 3. Electron. Commun. Probab. 25 (2020), Paper No. 80, 11 pp. MR 4187721
- M. Slaoui and C. A. Tudor, On the linear stochastic heat equation with Hermite noise. Infin. Dimens. Anal. Quantum Probab. Relat. Top. 22 (2019), no. 3, 1950022, 23 pp. MR 4064931
- F. Treves, Basic Linear Partial Differential Equations, Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 62, Academic Press, New York, 1975. MR 0447753
- C. A. Tudor (2013). Analysis of variations for self-similar processes. A stochastic calculus approach. Probability and its Applications (New York). Springer, Cham, 2013. MR 3112799
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R. Dhoyer
SAMM, Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 75013 Paris, France
C. A. Tudor
Laboratoire Paul Painlevé, Université de Lille 1, F-59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Stochastic wave equation,
Rosenblatt sheet,
multiple stochastic integrals,
second Wiener chaos
Received by editor(s):
July 20, 2021
Accepted for publication:
October 18, 2021
Published electronically:
May 16, 2022
Additional Notes:
C. A. Tudor acknowledges partial support from the projects MATHAMSUD (22- MATH-08) and ECOS SUD (C2107), Labex CEMPI(ANR-11-LABX-007-01) and Japan Science and Technology Agency CREST JPMJCR2115.
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© Copyright 2022
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv