Infinitesimal invariance of completely Random Measures for 2D Euler Equations
Francesco Grotto and Giovanni Peccati
Theor. Probability and Math. Statist. 107 (2022), 15-35
MSC (2020):
Primary 47B33, 54C40, 14E20; Secondary 46E25, 20C20
Published electronically:
November 8, 2022
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Abstract: We consider suitable weak solutions of 2-dimensional Euler equations on bounded domains, and show that the class of completely random measures is infinitesimally invariant for the dynamics. Space regularity of samples of these random fields falls outside of the well-posedness regime of the PDE under consideration, so it is necessary to resort to stochastic integrals with respect to the candidate invariant measure in order to give a definition of the dynamics. Our findings generalize and unify previous results on Gaussian stationary solutions of Euler equations and point vortices dynamics. We also discuss difficulties arising when attempting to produce a solution flow for Euler’s equations preserving independently scattered random measures.
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Francesco Grotto
Université du Luxembourg, Maison du Nombre, 6 Avenue de la Fonte, 4364 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
Giovanni Peccati
Université du Luxembourg, Maison du Nombre, 6 Avenue de la Fonte, 4364 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
MR Author ID:
Differential geometry,
algebraic geometry
Received by editor(s):
September 1, 2021
Accepted for publication:
December 1, 2021
Published electronically:
November 8, 2022
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Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv