Contributions to the theory of multivariate statistical analysis
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- by William G. Madow
- Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 44 (1938), 454-495
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- M. S. Bartlett, On the theory of statistical regression, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. 53 (1933), pp. 260-283.
M. S. Bartlett, The problem in statistics of testing several variances, Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, vol. 30 (1934), pp. 164-169.
M. S. Bartlett, The vector representation of a sample, Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, vol. 30 (1934), pp. 327-340.
M. S. Bartlett and J. Wishart, The generalized product moment distribution in a normal system, Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, vol. 29 (1933), pp. 260-270.
S. Bochner, Vorlesungen über Fouriersche Integrale, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Leipzig, 1932.
W. G. Cochran, The distribution of quadratic forms in a normal system, with applications to the analysis of covariance, Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, vol. 30 (1934), pp. 178-191.
H. Cramer, Random Variables and Probability Distributions, Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, no. 36, London, 1937.
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R. A. Fisher, On the mathematical foundations of theoretical statistics, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, (A), vol. 222 (1921), pp. 309-368.
R. A. Fisher, The influence of rainfall on the yield of wheat at Rothamstead, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, (B), vol. 213 (1924), pp. 89-142.
R. A. Fisher, On a distribution yielding the error functions of several well known statistics, Proceedings of the International Mathematical Congress, Toronto, 1924, pp. 805-812.
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R. A. Fisher, The general sampling distribution of the multiple correlation coefficient, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, (A), vol. 121 (1928), pp. 654-673.
R. A. Fisher, Tests of significance in harmonic analysis, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, (A), vol. 125 (1929), pp. 54-60.
R. A. Fisher, Two new properties of mathematical likelihood, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, (A), vol. 144 (1934), pp. 285-307.
R. A. Fisher, Statistical Methods for Research Workers, 6th edition. Oliver and Boyd, London, 1936.
B. Greenstein, Periodogram analysis with special application to business failures in the United States, 1867-1932, Econometrica, vol. 3 (1935), pp. 170-198.
H. Hotelling, The generalization of Student’s ratio, Annals of Mathematical Statistics, vol. 2 (1931), pp. 170-198.
H. Hotelling, Analysis of a complex of statistical variables into principal components, Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 24 (1933), pp. 417-441, 498-520.
H. Hotelling, Relations between two sets of variables, Biometrika, vol. 28 (1936), pp. 321-377.
A. Kolmogoroff, Grundbegriffe der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung, Ergebnisse der Mathematik, vol. 2, no. 3.
S. Kolodziejczyk, On an important class of statistical hypotheses, Biometrika, vol. 27 (1935), pp. 161-190.
- B. O. Koopman, On distributions admitting a sufficient statistic, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 39 (1936), no. 3, 399–409. MR 1501854, DOI 10.1090/S0002-9947-1936-1501854-3 S. Kullback, An application of characteristic functions to the distribution problem of statistics, Annals of Mathematical Statistics, vol. 5 (1934), pp. 264-307. W. G. Madow, Contributions to the theory of comparative statistical analysis. I Fundamental theorems of comparative analysis, Annals of Mathematical Statistics, vol. 8 (1937), pp. 159-176. J. Neyman, Su un teorema concernente le cosìdette statistische sufficiente, Giornale dell’ Istituto Italiano degli Attuari, vol. 6 (1935), pp. 320-334. J. Neyman and E. S. Pearson, On the use and interpretation of certain test criteria for purposes of statistical inference, Biometrika, vol. 20$^{A}$ (1928), pp. 175-240, 264-294. J. Neyman and E. S. Pearson, Sufficient Statistics and Uniformly Most Powerful Tests, Statistical Research Memoirs, Cambridge University Press, London, vol. 1, 1936. E. S. Pearson and S. S. Wilks, Methods of statistical analysis appropriate for $k$ samples of two variables, Biometrika, vol. 25 (1933), pp. 363-377. E. S. Pearson and J. Neyman, see [27] and [28]. S. Saks, Theory of the Integral, 2d edition, Stechert, New York, 1937. H. W. Turnbull, The Theory of Determinants, Matrices, and Invariants, Blackie and Son, London, 1926. B. L. Welch, Some problems in the analysis of regression among $k$ samples of two variables, Biometrika, vol. 27 (1935), pp. 145-160. S. S. Wilks, Certain generalizations in the analysis of variance, Biometrika, vol. 24 (1932), pp. 472-494. S.S. Wilks, The standard error of a tetrad in samples from a normal population of independent variables, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 18 (1932), pp. 562-565. S. S. Wilks and E. S. Pearson, see [29].
- S. S. Wilks, Moment-generating operators for determinants of product moments in samples from a normal system, Ann. of Math. (2) 35 (1934), no. 2, 312–340. MR 1503165, DOI 10.2307/1968435 S. S. Wilks, On the independence of $k$ sets of normally distributed statistical variables, Econometrika, vol. 3 (1935), pp. 309-326.
- John Wishart, Moment coefficients of the $k$-statistics in samples from a finite population, Biometrika 39 (1952), 1–13. MR 50223, DOI 10.1093/biomet/39.1-2.1 J. Wishart, Sampling errors in the theory of two factors, British Journal of Psychology, vol. 19 (1928), pp. 32-52. J. Wishart and M. S. Bartlett, see [4].
Bibliographic Information
- © Copyright 1938 American Mathematical Society
- Journal: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 44 (1938), 454-495
- MSC: Primary 62H05; Secondary 62H10
- DOI:
- MathSciNet review: 1501977