On a certain numerical invariant of link types
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- by Kunio Murasugi
- Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 117 (1965), 387-422
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/S0002-9947-1965-0171275-5
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- Kunio Murasugi, On the genus of the alternating knot. I, II, J. Math. Soc. Japan 10 (1958), 94–105, 235–248. MR 99664, DOI 10.2969/jmsj/01010094
- Ralph H. Fox, On the imbedding of polyhedra in $3$-space, Ann. of Math. (2) 49 (1948), 462–470. MR 26326, DOI 10.2307/1969291 —, Free differential calculus. I, Ann. of Math. (2) 57 (1953), 547-560; II, ibid. 59 (1954), 196-210; III, ibid. 64 (1956), 407-419.
- R. H. Fox, A quick trip through knot theory, Topology of 3-manifolds and related topics (Proc. The Univ. of Georgia Institute, 1961) Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1962, pp. 120–167. MR 0140099
- R. H. Fox, Some problems in knot theory, Topology of 3-manifolds and related topics (Proc. The Univ. of Georgia Institute, 1961) Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1962, pp. 168–176. MR 0140100
- G. Torres and R. H. Fox, Dual presentations of the group of a knot, Ann. of Math. (2) 59 (1954), 211–218. MR 62439, DOI 10.2307/1969687
- Lebrecht Goeritz, Knoten und quadratische Formen, Math. Z. 36 (1933), no. 1, 647–654 (German). MR 1545364, DOI 10.1007/BF01188642
- Yoko Hashizume, On the uniqueness of the decomposition of a link, Osaka Math. J. 10 (1958), 283–300. MR 102821
- Burton W. Jones, The Arithmetic Theory of Quadratic Forms, Carcus Monograph Series, no. 10, Mathematical Association of America, Buffalo, N.Y., 1950. MR 0037321, DOI 10.5948/UPO9781614440109
- Shin′ichi Kinoshita, On Wendt’s theorem of knots, Osaka Math. J. 9 (1957), 61–66. MR 90054
- R. H. Kyle, Branched covering spaces and the quadratic forms of links, Ann. of Math. (2) 59 (1954), 539–548. MR 62438, DOI 10.2307/1969717
- Kunio Murasugi, On the genus of the alternating knot. I, II, J. Math. Soc. Japan 10 (1958), 94–105, 235–248. MR 99664, DOI 10.2969/jmsj/01010094
- Kunio Murasugi, On alternating knots, Osaka Math. J. 12 (1960), 277–303. MR 137107
- Kunio Murasugi, On the definition of the knot matrix, Proc. Japan Acad. 37 (1961), 220–221. MR 137108
- Kunio Murasugi, Non-amphicheirality of the special alternating links, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 13 (1962), 771–776. MR 142116, DOI 10.1090/S0002-9939-1962-0142116-X K. Reidemeister, Knotentheorie, Chelsea, New York, 1948.
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- H. Seifert, Über das Geschlecht von Knoten, Math. Ann. 110 (1935), no. 1, 571–592 (German). MR 1512955, DOI 10.1007/BF01448044 —, Die Verschlingungsinvarianten der zyklischen Knotenüberlagerungen, Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg 11 (1935), 84-101.
- Hidetaka Terasaka, On null-equivalent knots, Osaka Math. J. 11 (1959), 95–113. MR 117736
- Guillermo Torres, On the Alexander polynomial, Ann. of Math. (2) 57 (1953), 57–89. MR 52104, DOI 10.2307/1969726
- H. F. Trotter, Homology of group systems with applications to knot theory, Ann. of Math. (2) 76 (1962), 464–498. MR 143201, DOI 10.2307/1970369
- H. Wendt, Die gordische Auflösung von Knoten, Math. Z. 42 (1937), no. 1, 680–696 (German). MR 1545700, DOI 10.1007/BF01160103
Bibliographic Information
- © Copyright 1965 American Mathematical Society
- Journal: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 117 (1965), 387-422
- MSC: Primary 55.20
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/S0002-9947-1965-0171275-5
- MathSciNet review: 0171275