Characteristic subgroups of lattice-ordered groups
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- by Richard D. Byrd, Paul Conrad and Justin T. Lloyd PDF
- Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 158 (1971), 339-371 Request permission
Characteristic subgroups of an $l$-group are those convex $l$-subgroups that are fixed by each $l$-automorphism. Certain sublattices of the lattice of all convex $l$-subgroups determine characteristic subgroups which we call socles. Various socles of an $l$-group are constructed and this construction leads to some structure theorems. The concept of a shifting subgroup is introduced and yields results relating the structure of an $l$-group to that of the lattice of characteristic subgroups. Interesting results are obtained when the $l$-group is characteristically simple. We investigate the characteristic subgroups of the vector lattice of real-valued functions on a root system and determine those vector lattices in which every $l$-ideal is characteristic. The automorphism group of the vector lattice of all continuous real-valued functions (almost finite real-valued functions) on a topological space (a Stone space) is shown to be a splitting extension of the polar preserving automorphisms by the ring automorphisms. This result allows us to construct characteristically simple vector lattices. We show that self-injective vector lattices exist and that an archimedean self-injective vector lattice is characteristically simple. It is proven that each $l$-group can be embedded as an $l$-subgroup of an algebraically simple $l$-group. In addition, we prove that each representable (abelian) $l$-group can be embedded as an $l$-subgroup of a characteristically simple representable (abelian) $l$-group.References
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Additional Information
- © Copyright 1971 American Mathematical Society
- Journal: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 158 (1971), 339-371
- MSC: Primary 06.75
- DOI:
- MathSciNet review: 0279014