Algebras of analytic operator valued functions
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- by Kenneth O. Leland
- Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 194 (1974), 223-239
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This paper proves and generalizes the following characterization of the algebra $A(K,K)$ of complex analytic functions on open subsets of the complex plane K into K to the case of algebras of functions on a real Euclidean space E into a real Banach algebra B. Theorem. Let $F(K,K)$ be the algebra of all continuous functions on open subsets of K into K, and F a subalgebra of $F(K,K)$ with nonconstant elements such that ${ \cup _{f \in F}}$ range $f = K,F$ is closed under uniform convergence on compact sets and domain transformations of the form $z \to {z_0} + z\sigma ,z,{z_0},\sigma \in K$. Then F is $F(K,K)$ or $A(K,K)$ or $\bar A(K,K) = \{ \bar f;f \in A(K,K)\}$. In the general case conditions on B are studied that insure that either F contains an embedment of $F(R,R)$ and thus contains quite arbitrary continuous functions or that the elements of F are analytic and F can be expressed as a direct sum of algebras ${F_1}, \ldots ,{F_n}$ such that for $i = 1, \ldots ,n$, there exist complexifications ${M_i}$ of E and ${N_i}$ of ${\cup _{f \in {F_i}}}$ range f, such that with respect to ${M_i}$ and ${N_i}$ the elements of ${F_i}$ are complex differentiable.References
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Bibliographic Information
- © Copyright 1974 American Mathematical Society
- Journal: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 194 (1974), 223-239
- MSC: Primary 46J25; Secondary 30A96
- DOI:
- MathSciNet review: 0377522