On a certain sum in number theory. II
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- by Břetislav Novák
- Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 195 (1974), 357-364
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/S0002-9947-1974-0435002-1
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We derive “exact order” of the function \[ \sum \limits _{k \leq \sqrt x } {{k^\rho }{{\min }^\beta }\left ( {\frac {{\sqrt x }}{k},\frac {1}{{{P_k}}}} \right )}.\] Here $\rho$ and $\beta$ are nonnegative real numbers and, for given real ${\delta _1},{\delta _2}, \cdots ,{\delta _r},{P_k} = {\max _j}\langle k{\delta _j}\rangle$ where $\langle t\rangle$, for real t, denotes distance of t from the nearest integer. Using our results, we obtain the solution of the basic problem in the theory of lattice points with weight in rational many-dimensional ellipsoids.References
- Bohuslav Diviš, Über Gitterpunkte in mehrdimensionalen Ellipsoiden. I, II, Czechoslovak Math. J. 20(95) (1970), 130–139; ibid. 20 (95) (1970), 149–159 (German, with English summary). MR 255503 G. H. Hardy and J. E. Littlewood, Some problems of Diophantine approximation: The lattice-points of a right-angle triangle, (second memoir), Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg 1 (1929), 212-249.
- B. Novák, Verallgemeinerung eines Peterssonschen Satzes und Gitterpunkte mit Gewichten, Acta Arith. 13 (1967/68), 423–454 (German). MR 229577, DOI 10.4064/aa-13-4-423-454
- B. Novák, On lattice points with weight in high-dimensional ellipsoids, Acta Arith. 14 (1967/68), 371–397. MR 230683, DOI 10.4064/aa-14-4-371-397
- Břetislav Novák, Mean value theorems in the theory of lattice points with weight. II, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 11 (1970), 53–81. MR 262197
- Břetislav Novák, On certain sum in number theory, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 12 (1971), 669–685. MR 308054
- Břetislav Novák, Mittelwertsätze der Gitterpunktlehre. II, Časopis Pěst. Mat. 96 (1971), 245–261, 300 (German, with Czech summary). MR 0291097
- Břetislav Novák, Über eine Methode der $\Omega$-Abschätzungen, Czechoslovak Math. J. 21(96) (1971), 257–279 (German). MR 292761
- Břetislav Novák, Über Gitterpunkte in mehrdimensionalen Ellipsoiden, Czechoslovak Math. J. 22(97) (1972), 495–507 (German). MR 308055
Bibliographic Information
- © Copyright 1974 American Mathematical Society
- Journal: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 195 (1974), 357-364
- MSC: Primary 10J25
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/S0002-9947-1974-0435002-1
- MathSciNet review: 0435002