The $\mu$-invariant of $3$-manifolds and certain structural properties of the group of homeomorphisms of a closed, oriented $2$-manifold
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- by Joan S. Birman and R. Craggs
- Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 237 (1978), 283-309
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Let $\mathcal {H}(n)$ be the group of orientation-preserving selfhomeomorphisms of a closed oriented surface Bd U of genus n, and let $\mathcal {K}(n)$ be the subgroup of those elements which induce the identity on ${H_1}({\text {Bd}}\;U;{\mathbf {Z}})$. To each element $h \in \mathcal {H}(n)$ we associate a 3-manifold $M(h)$ which is defined by a Heegaard splitting. It is shown that for each $h \in \mathcal {H}(n)$ there is a representation $\rho$ of $\mathcal {K}(n)$ into ${\mathbf {Z}}/2{\mathbf {Z}}$ such that if $k \in \mathcal {K}(n)$, then the $\mu$-invariant $\mu (M(h))$ is equal to the $\mu$-invariant $\mu (M(kh))$ if and only if k $\in$ kernel $\rho$. Thus, properties of the 4-manifolds which a given 3-manifold bounds are related to group-theoretical structure in the group of homeomorphisms of a 2-manifold. The kernels of the homomorphisms from $\mathcal {K}(n)$ onto ${\mathbf {Z}}/2{\mathbf {Z}}$ are studied and are shown to constitute a complete conjugacy class of subgroups of $\mathcal {H}(n)$. The class has nontrivial finite order.References
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Bibliographic Information
- © Copyright 1978 American Mathematical Society
- Journal: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 237 (1978), 283-309
- MSC: Primary 57A10
- DOI:
- MathSciNet review: 0482765