Persistent manifolds are normally hyperbolic
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- by Ricardo Mañé PDF
- Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 246 (1978), 261-283 Request permission
Let M be a smooth manifold, $f: M \mid \text {a} {{C}^{1}}$ diffeomorphism and $V \subset M {\text {a}} {{\text {C}}^1}$ compact submanifold without boundary invariant under f (i.e. $f\left ( V \right ) = V$). We say that V is a persistent manifold for f if there exists a compact neighborhood U of V such that ${ \cap _{n \in {\textbf {z}}}} {f^n}\left ( U \right ) = V$, and for all diffeomorphisms $g: M \mid$ near to f in the ${C^1}$ topology the set ${V_g} = { \cap _{n \in {\textbf {z}}}}{g^n}\left ( U \right )$ is a ${C^1}$ submanifold without boundary ${C^1}$ near to V. Several authors studied sufficient conditions for persistence of invariant manifolds. Hirsch, Pugh and Shub proved that normally hyperbolic manifolds are persistent, where normally hyperbolic means that there exist a Tf-invariant splitting $TM/V = {N^s}V \oplus {N^u}V \oplus TV$ and constants $K > 0$, $0 < \lambda < 1$ such that: \[ \begin {gathered} \left \| {{{\left ( {Tf} \right )}^n}/N_x^sV} \right \| \leq K{\lambda ^n}, \left \| {{{\left ( {Tf} \right )}^{ - n}}/N_x^uV} \right \| \leq K{\lambda ^n}, \left \| {{{\left ( {Tf} \right )}^n}/N_x^sV} \right \| \cdot \left \| {{{\left ( {Tf} \right )}^{ - n}}/{T_{{f^n}\left ( x \right )}}V} \right \| \leq K{\lambda ^n} \end {gathered} \] for all $n > 0$, $x \in V$. In this paper we prove the converse result, namely that persistent manifolds are normally hyperbolic.References
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Additional Information
- © Copyright 1978 American Mathematical Society
- Journal: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 246 (1978), 261-283
- MSC: Primary 58F15
- DOI:
- MathSciNet review: 515539